Boot and delete VM with kill of RabbitMQ on one of nodes ======================================================== This report is generated on results collected by execution of the following Rally scenario: .. code-block:: yaml --- NovaServers.boot_and_delete_server: - args: flavor: name: "m1.micro" image: name: "(^cirros.*uec$|TestVM)" force_delete: false runner: type: "constant_for_duration" duration: 240 concurrency: 4 context: users: tenants: 1 users_per_tenant: 1 hooks: - name: fault_injection args: action: kill rabbitmq service on one node trigger: name: event args: unit: iteration at: [60] Summary ------- In this scenario we kill one of running RabbitMQ servers. Once killed RabbitMQ gets restarted automatically by Pacemaker. The cloud stays stable, no errors, nor significant performance degradation observed. Oslo.messaging library handles the loss of connection to RabbitMQ and reconnects to one of other servers automatically:: AMQP server on is unreachable: timed out. Trying again in 1 seconds. ... Reconnected to AMQP server on via [amqp] client Details ------- This section contains individual data for particular scenario runs. Run #1 ^^^^^^ .. image:: plot_1.svg Baseline ~~~~~~~~ Baseline samples are collected before the start of fault injection. They are used to estimate service performance degradation after the fault. +-----------+-------------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+ | Samples | Median, s | Mean, s | Std dev | 95% percentile, s | +===========+=============+===========+===========+=====================+ | 45 | 5.8 | 5.8 | 0.3 | 6.1 | +-----------+-------------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+