========== Features ========== Version ------- Versions can be managed two ways - postversioning and preversioning. Postversioning is the default, and preversioning is enabled by setting ``version`` in the setup.cfg ``metadata`` section. In both cases version strings are inferred from git. If the currently checked out revision is tagged, that tag is used as the version. If the currently checked out revision is not tagged, then we take the last tagged version number and increment it to get a minimum target version. We then walk git history back to the last release. Within each commit we look for a Sem-Ver: pseudo header, and if found parse it looking for keywords. Unknown symbols are not an error (so that folk can't wedge pbr or break their tree), but we will emit an info level warning message. Known symbols: ``feature``, ``api-break``, ``deprecation``, ``bugfix``. A missing Sem-Ver line is equivalent to ``Sem-Ver: bugfix``. The ``bugfix`` symbol causes a patch level increment to the version. The ``feature`` and ``deprecation`` symbols cause a minor version increment. The ``api-break`` symbol causes a major version increment. If postversioning is in use, we use the resulting version number as the target version. If preversioning is in use we check that the version set in the metadata section of `setup.cfg` is greater than the version we infer using the above method. If the inferred version is greater than the preversioning value we raise an error, otherwise we use the version from `setup.cfg` as the target. We then generate dev version strings based on the commits since the last release and include the current git sha to disambiguate multiple dev versions with the same number of commits since the release. .. note:: `pbr` expects git tags to be signed for use in calculating versions The versions are expected to be compliant with :doc:`semver`. The ``version.SemanticVersion`` class can be used to query versions of a package and present it in various forms - ``debian_version()``, ``release_string()``, ``rpm_string()``, ``version_string()``, or ``version_tuple()``. AUTHORS and ChangeLog --------------------- Why keep an `AUTHORS` or a `ChangeLog` file when git already has all of the information you need? `AUTHORS` generation supports filtering/combining based on a standard `.mailmap` file. Manifest -------- Just like `AUTHORS` and `ChangeLog`, why keep a list of files you wish to include when you can find many of these in git. `MANIFEST.in` generation ensures almost all files stored in git, with the exception of `.gitignore`, `.gitreview` and `.pyc` files, are automatically included in your distribution. In addition, the generated `AUTHORS` and `ChangeLog` files are also included. In many cases, this removes the need for an explicit 'MANIFEST.in' file Sphinx Autodoc -------------- Sphinx can produce auto documentation indexes based on signatures and docstrings of your project but you have to give it index files to tell it to autodoc each module: that's kind of repetitive and boring. PBR will scan your project, find all of your modules, and generate all of the stub files for you. Sphinx documentation setups are altered to generate man pages by default. They also have several pieces of information that are known to setup.py injected into the sphinx config. See the pbr_ section for details on configuring your project for autodoc. Requirements ------------ You may not have noticed, but there are differences in how pip `requirements.txt` files work and how distutils wants to be told about requirements. The pip way is nicer because it sure does make it easier to populate a virtualenv for testing or to just install everything you need. Duplicating the information, though, is super lame. To solve this issue, `pbr` will let you use `requirements.txt`-format files to describe the requirements for your project and will then parse these files, split them up appropriately, and inject them into the `install_requires`, `tests_require` and/or `dependency_links` arguments to `setup`. Voila! You can also have a requirement file for each specific major version of Python. If you want to have a different package list for Python 3 then just drop a `requirements-py3.txt` and it will be used instead. Finally, it is possible to specify groups of optional dependencies, or `"extra" requirements`_, in your `setup.cfg` rather than `setup.py`. long_description ---------------- There is no need to maintain two long descriptions- and your README file is probably a good long_description. So we'll just inject the contents of your README.rst, README.txt or README file into your empty long_description. Yay for you.