Mistral Debugging Guide

To debug using a local engine and executor without dependencies such as RabbitMQ, make sure your /etc/mistral/mistral.conf has the following settings:

rpc_backend = fake

auth_enable = False

and run the following command in pdb, PyDev or PyCharm:

mistral/cmd/launch.py --server all --config-file /etc/mistral/mistral.conf --use-debugger


In PyCharm, you also need to enable the Gevent compatibility flag in Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Python Debugger -> Gevent compatible. Without this setting, PyCharm will not show variable values and become unstable during debugging.

Running unit tests in PyCharm

In order to be able to conveniently run unit tests, you need to:

  1. Set unit tests as the default runner:
Settings -> Tools -> Python Integrated Tools -> Default test runner: Unittests
  1. Enable test detection for all classes:
Run/Debug Configurations -> Defaults -> Python tests -> Unittests -> uncheck Inspect only subclasses of unittest.TestCase

Running examples

To run the examples find them in mistral-extra repository (https://github.com/openstack/mistral-extra) and follow the instructions on each example.


You can run some of the functional tests in non-openstack mode locally. To do this:

  1. set auth_enable = False in the mistral.conf and restart Mistral

  2. execute:

    $ ./run_functional_tests.sh

To run tests for only one version need to specify it:

$ bash run_functional_tests.sh v1

More information about automated tests for Mistral can be found on Mistral Wiki.