Source code for ironic.tests.unit.common.test_release_mappings

#    Copyright 2016 Intel Corp.
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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#    under the License.

from oslo_utils import versionutils
import six

from ironic.common.release_mappings import RELEASE_MAPPING
from ironic.conductor import rpcapi
from ironic.db.sqlalchemy import models
from ironic.objects import base as obj_base
from ironic.tests import base
from ironic import version

def _check_versions_compatibility(conf_version, actual_version):
    """Checks the configured version against the actual version.

    Returns True if the configured version is <= the actual version;
    otherwise returns False.

    :param conf_version: configured version, a string with dots
    :param actual_version: actual version, a string with dots
    :returns: True if the configured version is <= the actual version;
              False otherwise.
    conf_cap = versionutils.convert_version_to_tuple(conf_version)
    actual_cap = versionutils.convert_version_to_tuple(actual_version)
    return conf_cap <= actual_cap

[docs]class ReleaseMappingsTestCase(base.TestCase): """Tests whether the dict RELEASE_MAPPING is correct, valid and consistent. """
[docs] def test_structure(self): for value in RELEASE_MAPPING.values(): self.assertIsInstance(value, dict) self.assertEqual({'rpc', 'objects'}, set(value)) self.assertIsInstance(value['rpc'], six.string_types) self.assertIsInstance(value['objects'], dict) for obj_value in value['objects'].values(): self.assertIsInstance(obj_value, six.string_types) tuple_ver = versionutils.convert_version_to_tuple(obj_value) self.assertEqual(2, len(tuple_ver))
[docs] def test_object_names_are_registered(self): registered_objects = set(obj_base.IronicObjectRegistry.obj_classes()) for mapping in RELEASE_MAPPING.values(): objects = set(mapping['objects']) self.assertTrue(objects.issubset(registered_objects))
[docs] def test_contains_current_release_entry(self): version_info = str(version.version_info) # NOTE(sborkows): We only need first two values from version (like 5.1) # and assume version_info is of the form 'x.y.z'. current_release = version_info[:version_info.rfind('.')] self.assertIn(current_release, RELEASE_MAPPING)
[docs] def test_current_rpc_version(self): self.assertEqual(rpcapi.ConductorAPI.RPC_API_VERSION, RELEASE_MAPPING['master']['rpc'])
[docs] def test_current_object_versions(self): registered_objects = obj_base.IronicObjectRegistry.obj_classes() for obj, objver in RELEASE_MAPPING['master']['objects'].items(): self.assertEqual(registered_objects[obj][0].VERSION, objver)
[docs] def test_contains_all_db_objects(self): self.assertIn('master', RELEASE_MAPPING) model_names = set((s.__name__ for s in models.Base.__subclasses__())) exceptions = set(['NodeTag', 'ConductorHardwareInterfaces']) # NOTE(xek): As a rule, all models which can be changed between # releases or are sent through RPC should have their counterpart # versioned objects. model_names -= exceptions object_names = set(RELEASE_MAPPING['master']['objects']) self.assertEqual(model_names, object_names)
[docs] def test_rpc_and_objects_versions_supported(self): registered_objects = obj_base.IronicObjectRegistry.obj_classes() for versions in RELEASE_MAPPING.values(): self.assertTrue(_check_versions_compatibility( versions['rpc'], rpcapi.ConductorAPI.RPC_API_VERSION)) for obj_name, obj_ver in versions['objects'].items(): self.assertTrue(_check_versions_compatibility( obj_ver, registered_objects[obj_name][0].VERSION))