=========== heat-manage =========== .. program:: heat-manage SYNOPSIS ======== ``heat-manage [options]`` DESCRIPTION =========== heat-manage helps manage heat specific database operations. OPTIONS ======= The standard pattern for executing a heat-manage command is: ``heat-manage []`` Run with -h to see a list of available commands: ``heat-manage -h`` Commands are ``db_version``, ``db_sync``, ``purge_deleted``, ``migrate_covergence_1``, ``migrate_properties_data``, and ``service``. Detailed descriptions are below. ``heat-manage db_version`` Print out the db schema version. ``heat-manage db_sync`` Sync the database up to the most recent version. ``heat-manage purge_deleted [-g {days,hours,minutes,seconds}] [-p project_id] [age]`` Purge db entries marked as deleted and older than [age]. When project_id argument is provided, only entries belonging to this project will be purged. ``heat-manage migrate_properties_data`` Migrates properties data from the legacy locations in the db (resource.properties_data and event.resource_properties) to the modern location, the resource_properties_data table. ``heat-manage migrate_convergence_1 [stack_id]`` Migrates [stack_id] from non-convergence to convergence. This requires running convergence enabled heat engine(s) and can't be done when they are offline. ``heat-manage service list`` Shows details for all currently running heat-engines. ``heat-manage service clean`` Clean dead engine records. ``heat-manage --version`` Shows program's version number and exit. The output could be empty if the distribution didn't specify any version information. FILES ===== The /etc/heat/heat.conf file contains global options which can be used to configure some aspects of heat-manage, for example the DB connection and logging. BUGS ==== * Heat issues are tracked in Launchpad so you can view or report bugs here `OpenStack Heat Bugs `__