Installing development sandbox

Ceilometer has several daemons. The basic are: polling agent running either on the Nova compute node(s) or polling agent running on the central management node(s), notification agent running on the cloud’s management node(s).

In a development environment created by devstack, these services are typically running on the same server.

Configuring devstack

  1. Download devstack.

  2. Create a local.conf file as input to devstack.

  3. Ceilometer makes extensive use of the messaging bus, but has not yet been tested with ZeroMQ. We recommend using Rabbit for now. By default, RabbitMQ will be used by devstack.

  4. The ceilometer services are not enabled by default, so they must be enabled in local.conf before running

    This example local.conf file shows all of the settings required for ceilometer:

    # Enable the Ceilometer devstack plugin
    enable_plugin ceilometer

    By default, all ceilometer services except for ceilometer-ipmi agent will be enabled

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