API Reference

API Reference

The currently documented publicly exposed API’s for usage in your project are defined below.


External usage of internal utility functions and modules should be kept to a minimum as they may be altered, refactored or moved to other locations without notice (and without the typical deprecation cycle).


debtcollector.deprecate(prefix, postfix=None, message=None, version=None, removal_version=None, stacklevel=3, category=<type 'exceptions.DeprecationWarning'>)[source]

Helper to deprecate some thing using generated message format.

  • prefix – prefix string used as the prefix of the output message
  • postfix – postfix string used as the postfix of the output message
  • message – message string used as ending contents of the deprecate message
  • version – version string (represents the version this deprecation was created in)
  • removal_version – version string (represents the version this deprecation will be removed in); a string of ‘?’ will denote this will be removed in some future unknown version
  • stacklevel – stacklevel used in the warnings.warn() function to locate where the users code is in the warnings.warn() call
  • category – the warnings category to use, defaults to DeprecationWarning if not provided


debtcollector.moves.moved_function(new_func, old_func_name, old_module_name, message=None, version=None, removal_version=None, stacklevel=3, category=None)[source]

Deprecates a function that was moved to another location.

This generates a wrapper around new_func that will emit a deprecation warning when called. The warning message will include the new location to obtain the function from.

class debtcollector.moves.moved_read_only_property(old_name, new_name, version=None, removal_version=None, stacklevel=3, category=None)[source]

Bases: object

Descriptor for read-only properties moved to another location.

This works like the @property descriptor but can be used instead to provide the same functionality and also interact with the warnings module to warn when a property is accessed, so that users of those properties can know that a previously read-only property at a prior location/name has moved to another location/name.

  • old_name – old attribute location/name
  • new_name – new attribute location/name
  • version – version string (represents the version this deprecation was created in)
  • removal_version – version string (represents the version this deprecation will be removed in); a string of ‘?’ will denote this will be removed in some future unknown version
  • stacklevel – stacklevel used in the warnings.warn() function to locate where the users code is when reporting the deprecation call (the default being 3)
  • category – the warnings category to use, defaults to DeprecationWarning if not provided
debtcollector.moves.moved_method(new_method_name, message=None, version=None, removal_version=None, stacklevel=3, category=None)[source]

Decorates an instance method that was moved to another location.

debtcollector.moves.moved_property(new_attribute_name, message=None, version=None, removal_version=None, stacklevel=3, category=None)[source]

Decorates an instance property that was moved to another location.

debtcollector.moves.moved_class(new_class, old_class_name, old_module_name, message=None, version=None, removal_version=None, stacklevel=3, category=None)[source]

Deprecates a class that was moved to another location.

This creates a ‘new-old’ type that can be used for a deprecation period that can be inherited from. This will emit warnings when the old locations class is initialized, telling where the new and improved location for the old class now is.


debtcollector.renames.renamed_kwarg(old_name, new_name, message=None, version=None, removal_version=None, stacklevel=3, category=None, replace=False)[source]

Decorates a kwarg accepting function to deprecate a renamed kwarg.


class debtcollector.removals.removed_property(fget=None, fset=None, fdel=None, doc=None, stacklevel=3, category=<type 'exceptions.DeprecationWarning'>, version=None, removal_version=None, message=None)[source]

Bases: object

Property descriptor that deprecates a property.

This works like the @property descriptor but can be used instead to provide the same functionality and also interact with the warnings module to warn when a property is accessed, set and/or deleted.

  • message – string used as ending contents of the deprecate message
  • version – version string (represents the version this deprecation was created in)
  • removal_version – version string (represents the version this deprecation will be removed in); a string of ‘?’ will denote this will be removed in some future unknown version
  • stacklevel – stacklevel used in the warnings.warn() function to locate where the users code is when reporting the deprecation call (the default being 3)
  • category – the warnings category to use, defaults to DeprecationWarning if not provided
debtcollector.removals.remove(f=None, message=None, version=None, removal_version=None, stacklevel=3, category=None)[source]

Decorates a function, method, or class to emit a deprecation warning

Due to limitations of the wrapt library (and python) itself, if this is applied to subclasses of metaclasses then it likely will not work as expected. More information can be found at bug #1520397 to see if this situation affects your usage of this universal decorator, for this specific scenario please use removed_class() instead.

  • message (str) – A message to include in the deprecation warning
  • version (str) – Specify what version the removed function is present in
  • removal_version (str) – What version the function will be removed. If ‘?’ is used this implies an undefined future version
  • stacklevel (int) – How many entries deep in the call stack before ignoring
  • category (type) – warnings message category (this defaults to DeprecationWarning when none is provided)
debtcollector.removals.removed_kwarg(old_name, message=None, version=None, removal_version=None, stacklevel=3, category=None)[source]

Decorates a kwarg accepting function to deprecate a removed kwarg.

debtcollector.removals.removed_class(cls_name, replacement=None, message=None, version=None, removal_version=None, stacklevel=3, category=None)[source]

Decorates a class to denote that it will be removed at some point.

debtcollector.removals.removed_module(module, replacement=None, message=None, version=None, removal_version=None, stacklevel=3, category=None)[source]

Helper to be called inside a module to emit a deprecation warning

  • replacment (str) – A location (or information about) of any potential replacement for the removed module (if applicable)
  • message (str) – A message to include in the deprecation warning
  • version (str) – Specify what version the removed module is present in
  • removal_version (str) – What version the module will be removed. If ‘?’ is used this implies an undefined future version
  • stacklevel (int) – How many entries deep in the call stack before ignoring
  • category (type) – warnings message category (this defaults to DeprecationWarning when none is provided)


class debtcollector.fixtures.disable.DisableFixture[source]

Bases: fixtures.fixture.Fixture

Fixture that disables debtcollector triggered warnings.

This does not disable warnings calls emitted by other libraries.

This can be used like:

from debtcollector.fixtures import disable

with disable.DisableFixture():
    <some code that calls into depreciated code>
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