Cyborg REST API v1.0

Cyborg REST API v1.0

General Information

This document describes the basic REST API operation that Cyborg supports for Stein release:

| Verb   | URI                                     | Description                                                           |
| GET    | /accelerators                           | Return a list of accelerators (Deprecated)                             |
| GET    | /accelerators/{uuid}                    | Retrieve a certain accelerator info identified by `{uuid}` (Deprecated)|
| POST   | /accelerators                           | Create a new accelerator (Deprecated)                                  |
| PUT    | /accelerators/{uuid}                    | Update the spec for the accelerator identified by `{uuid}` (Deprecated)|
| DELETE | /accelerators/{uuid}                    | Delete the accelerator identified by `{uuid}` (Deprecated)             |
| GET    | /accelerators/deployables/              | Return a list of deployables                                          |
| GET    | /accelerators/deployables/{uuid}        | Retrieve a certain deployable info identified by `{uuid}`             |
| POST   | /accelerators/deployables/              | Create a new deployable                                               |
| PATCH  | /accelerators/deployables/{uuid}/program| Program a new deployable(FPGA)                                        |
| PATCH  | /accelerators/deployables/{uuid}        | Update the spec for the deployable identified by `{uuid}`             |
| DELETE | /accelerators/deployables/{uuid}        | Delete the deployable identified by `{uuid}`                          |
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.