There are 2 ways to install Congress.
For integrating Congress with DevStack:
$ git clone
$ cd devstack
file (inside the DevStack directory). Here is what
our file looks like:[[local|localrc]]
enable_plugin congress
enable_plugin heat
enable_plugin aodh
enable_service s-proxy s-object s-container s-account
. The default configuration expects the passwords to be ‘password’
without the quotes$ ./
If you want to use the config datasource in a multi-node
environment, you must configure the Congress agent and
only the agent on the other nodes. Here is the relevant part
of local.conf
enable_plugin congress
disable_service congress congress-api congress-engine congress-datasources
enable_service congress-agent
By default, the datasource is enabled for the nova, neutron and Congress services. To enable it for other services, you can define the variable VALIDATOR_SERVICES
variable in local.conf
controls the
availability of the config datasource and its agent in devstack. Set it to
to disable it (default value is True
Install the following software, if you haven’t already.
$ sudo apt install git gcc python-dev python-antlr3 libxml2 libxslt1-dev libzip-dev build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev
$ sudo apt install rabbitmq-server #
$ sudo apt install python-setuptools
$ sudo pip install --upgrade pip virtualenv pbr tox
Clone Congress
$ git clone
$ cd congress
Install requirements
$ sudo pip install .
Install Source code
$ sudo python install
Configure Congress (Assume you put config files in /etc/congress)
$ sudo mkdir -p /etc/congress
$ sudo cp etc/api-paste.ini /etc/congress
$ tox -e genpolicy
(edit the generated sample file etc/policy.yaml.sample then copy to conf dir)
$ sudo cp etc/policy.yaml.sample /etc/congress/policy.yaml
$ sudo cp -r library /etc/congress/.
Generate a configuration file as outlined in the Configuration Options section of the Deployment document. Note: you may have to run the command with sudo.
There are several sections in the congress/etc/congress.conf.sample file you may want to change:
Add drivers:
drivers = congress.datasources.neutronv2_driver.NeutronV2Driver,congress.datasources.glancev2_driver.GlanceV2Driver,congress.datasources.nova_driver.NovaDriver,congress.datasources.keystone_driver.KeystoneDriver,congress.datasources.cinder_driver.CinderDriver,congress.datasources.swift_driver.SwiftDriver,congress.datasources.plexxi_driver.PlexxiDriver,congress.datasources.vCenter_driver.VCenterDriver,congress.datasources.murano_driver.MuranoDriver,congress.datasources.ironic_driver.IronicDriver,congress.datasources.aodh_driver.AodhDriver,congress.datasources.doctor_driver.DoctorDriver,congress.datasources.heatv1_driver.HeatV1Driver,congress.datasources.keystonev3_driver.KeystoneV3Driver,congress.datasources.monasca_driver.MonascaDriver,congress.datasources.neutronv2_qos_driver.NeutronV2QosDriver,congress.datasources.mistral_driver.MistralDriver
The default auth_strategy is keystone. To set Congress to use no authorization strategy:
auth_strategy = noauth
If you use noauth, you might want to delete or comment out the [keystone_authtoken] section.
Set the database connection string in the [database] section (adapt MySQL root password):
connection = mysql+pymysql://root:password@
To use RabbitMQ with Congress, set the transport_url in the “From oslo.messaging” section according to your setup:
transport_url = rabbit://$RABBIT_USERID:$RABBIT_PASSWORD@$RABBIT_HOST:5672
A bare-bones congress.conf is as follows:
auth_strategy = noauth
drivers = congress.datasources.neutronv2_driver.NeutronV2Driver,congress.datasources.glancev2_driver.GlanceV2Driver,congress.datasources.nova_driver.NovaDriver,congress.datasources.keystone_driver.KeystoneDriver,congress.datasources.cinder_driver.CinderDriver,congress.datasources.swift_driver.SwiftDriver,congress.datasources.plexxi_driver.PlexxiDriver,congress.datasources.vCenter_driver.VCenterDriver,congress.datasources.murano_driver.MuranoDriver,congress.datasources.ironic_driver.IronicDriver,congress.datasources.aodh_driver.AodhDriver,congress.datasources.doctor_driver.DoctorDriver,congress.datasources.heatv1_driver.HeatV1Driver,congress.datasources.keystonev3_driver.KeystoneV3Driver,congress.datasources.monasca_driver.MonascaDriver,congress.datasources.neutronv2_qos_driver.NeutronV2QosDriver,congress.datasources.mistral_driver.MistralDriver
connection = mysql+pymysql://root:password@
When you are finished editing congress.conf.sample, copy it to the /etc/congress directory.
sudo cp etc/congress.conf.sample /etc/congress/congress.conf
Create database
$ mysql -u root -p
$ mysql> CREATE DATABASE congress;
$ mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON congress.* TO 'congress'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'CONGRESS_DBPASS';
Push down schema
$ sudo congress-db-manage --config-file /etc/congress/congress.conf upgrade head
Use your OpenStack RC file to set and export required environment variables: OS_USERNAME, OS_PASSWORD, OS_PROJECT_NAME, OS_TENANT_NAME, OS_AUTH_URL.
(Adapt parameters according to your environment)
$ ADMIN_ROLE=$(openstack role list | awk "/ admin / { print \$2 }")
$ SERVICE_TENANT=$(openstack project list | awk "/ service / { print \$2 }")
$ CONGRESS_USER=$(openstack user create --password password --project service --email "" congress | awk "/ id / {print \$4 }")
$ openstack role add $ADMIN_ROLE --user $CONGRESS_USER --project $SERVICE_TENANT
$ CONGRESS_SERVICE=$(openstack service create policy --name congress --description "Congress Service" | awk "/ id / { print \$4 }")
Identity v2:
$ openstack endpoint create $CONGRESS_SERVICE --region RegionOne --publicurl --adminurl --internalurl
Identity v3:
$ openstack endpoint create --region $OS_REGION_NAME $CONGRESS_SERVICE public https://$SERVICE_HOST:1789
$ openstack endpoint create --region $OS_REGION_NAME $CONGRESS_SERVICE admin https://$SERVICE_HOST:1789
$ openstack endpoint create --region $OS_REGION_NAME $CONGRESS_SERVICE internal https://$SERVICE_HOST:1789
$ sudo /usr/local/bin/congress-server --debug
$ openstack congress datasource create $SERVICE $"SERVICE" \
--config username=$OS_USERNAME \
--config tenant_name=$OS_TENANT_NAME
--config password=$OS_PASSWORD
--config auth_url=https://$SERVICE_HOST:5000/v3
Clone congress-dashboard repo, located here Follow the instructions in the README file located in for further installation.
Note: After you install the Congress Dashboard and restart apache, the OpenStack Dashboard may throw a “You have offline compression enabled…” error, follow the instructions in the error message. You may have to:
$ cd /opt/stack/horizon
$ python compress
$ sudo service apache2 restart
$ sudo pip install sphinx
$ sudo pip install oslosphinx
$ make docs
If you are not familiar with using the OpenStack command-line clients, please read the OpenStack documentation before proceeding.
Once you have set up or obtained credentials to use the OpenStack command-line clients, you may begin testing Congress. During installation a number of policies are created.
To view policies: $ openstack congress policy list
To view installed datasources: $ openstack congress datasource list
To list available commands: $ openstack congress –help
Here are the instructions for upgrading to a new release of the Congress server.
$ cd /path/to/congress
$ git fetch origin
3. Checkout the release you are interested in, say Mitaka. Note that this step will not succeed if you have any uncommitted changes in the repo.
$ git checkout origin/stable/mitaka
If you have changes committed locally that are not merged into the public repository, you now need to cherry-pick those changes onto the new branch.
$ sudo pip install
$ sudo python install
$ sudo congress-db-manage --config-file /etc/congress/congress.conf upgrade head
for you to examine.$ tox -egenconfig
$ sudo /usr/local/bin/congress-server --debug
Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.