Monitoring and Enforcement

Congress is given two inputs: the other cloud services in the datacenter and a policy describing the desired state of those services. Congress does two things with those inputs: monitoring and enforcement. Monitoring means passively comparing the actual state of the other cloud services and the desired state (i.e. policy) and flagging mismatches. Enforcement means actively working to ensure that the actual state of the other cloud services is also a desired state (i.e. that the other services obey policy).

1. Monitoring

Recall from Policy that policy violations are represented with the table error. To ask Congress for a list of all policy violations, we simply ask it for the contents of the error table.

For example, recall our policy from Policy: each Neutron port has at most one IP address. For that policy, the error table is has 1 row for each Neutron port that has more than 1 IP address. Each of those rows specify the UUID for the port, and two different IP addresses. So if we had the following mapping of Neutron ports to IP addresses:

“66dafde0-a49c-11e3-be40-425861b86ab6” “”
“66dafde0-a49c-11e3-be40-425861b86ab6” “”
“73e31d4c-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000” “”
“73e31d4c-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000” “”
“8caead95-67d5-4f45-b01b-4082cddce425” “”

the error table would be something like the one shown below.

ID IP 1 IP 2
“66dafde0-a49c-11e3-be40-425861b86ab6” “” “”
“73e31d4c-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000” “” “”

The API would return this table as the following collection of Datalog facts (encoded as a string):

error("66dafde0-a49c-11e3-be40-425861b86ab6", "", "")
error("73e31d4c-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000", "", "")

It is the responsibility of the client to periodically ask the server for the contents of the error table.

2. Proactive Enforcement

Often we want policy to be enforced, not just monitored. Proactive enforcement is the term we use to mean preventing policy violations before they occur. Proactive enforcement requires having enforcement points in the cloud that stop changes before they happen. Cloud services like Nova, Neutron, and Cinder are good examples of enforcement points. For example, Nova could refuse to provision a VM that would cause a policy violation, thereby proactively enforcing policy.

To enable other cloud services like Nova to check if a proposed change in the cloud state would violate policy, the cloud service can consult Congress using its simulate() functionality. The idea for simulate() is that we ask Congress to answer a query after having temporarily made some changes to data and policies. Simulation allows us to explore the effects of proposed changes. Typically simulation is used to ask: if I made these changes, would there be any new policy violations? For example, provisioning a new VM might add rows to several of Nova’s tables. After receiving an API call that requests a new VM be provisioned, Nova could ask Congress if adding those rows would create any new policy violations. If new violations arise, Nova could refuse to provision the VM, thereby proactively enforcing the policy.

In this writeup we assume you are using the python-client.

Suppose you want to know the policy violations after making the following changes.

  1. insert a row into the nova:servers table with ID uuid1, 2TB of disk, and 10GB of memory
  2. delete the row from neutron:security_groups with the ID “uuid2” and name “alice_default_group”

(Here we assume the nova:servers table has columns ID, disk-size, and memory and that neutron:security groups has columns ID, and name.)

To do a simulation from the command line, you use the following command:

$ openstack congress policy simulate <policy-name> <query> <change-sequence> <action-policy-name>
  • <policy-name>: the name of the policy in which to run the query
  • <query>: a string representing the query you would like to run after applying the change sequence
  • <change-sequence>: a string codifying a sequence of insertions and deletions of data and rules. Insertions are denoted by ‘+’ and deletions by ‘-‘
  • <action-policy-name>: the name of another policy of type ‘action’ describing the effects of any actions occurring in <change-sequence>. Actions are not necessary and are explained later. Without actions, this argument can be anything (and will in the future be optional).

For our nova:servers and neutron:security_groups example, we would run the following command to find all of the policy violations after inserting a row into nova:servers and then deleting a row out of neutron:security_groups:

$ openstack congress policy simulate classification
    'nova:servers+(“uuid1”, “2TB”, “10 GB”)
     neutron:security_groups-(“uuid2”, “alice_default_group”)'

More examples

Suppose the table ‘p’ is a collection of key-value pairs: p(key, value). Let’s begin by creating a policy and adding some key/value pairs for ‘p’:

$ openstack congress policy create alice
$ openstack congress policy rule create alice 'p(101, 0)'
$ openstack congress policy rule create alice 'p(202, "abc")'
$ openstack congress policy rule create alice 'p(302, 9)'

Let’s also add a statement that says there’s an error if a single key has multiple values or if any value is assigned 9:

$ openstack congress policy rule create alice
    'error(x) :- p(x, val1), p(x, val2), not equal(val1, val2)'
$ openstack congress policy rule create alice 'error(x) :- p(x, 9)'

Each of the following is an example of a simulation query you might want to run.

  1. Basic usage. Simulate adding the value 5 to key 101 and ask for the contents of p:

    $ openstack congress policy simulate alice 'p(x,y)' 'p+(101, 5)' action
    p(101, 0)
    p(101, 5)
    p(202, "abc")
    p(302, 9)
  2. Error table. Simulate adding the value 5 to key 101 and ask for the contents of error:

    $ openstack congress policy simulate alice 'error(x)' 'p+(101, 5)' action
  3. Inserts and Deletes. Simulate adding the value 5 to key 101 and deleting 0 and ask for the contents of error:

    $ openstack congress policy simulate alice 'error(x)'
        'p+(101, 5) p-(101, 0)' action
  4. Error changes. Simulate changing the value of key 101 to 9 and query the change in the error table:

    $ openstack congress policy simulate alice 'error(x)'
        'p+(101, 9) p-(101, 0)' action --delta
  1. Multiple error changes. Simulate changing 101:9, 202:9, 302:1 and query the change in the error table:

    $ openstack congress policy simulate alice 'error(x)'
        'p+(101, 9) p-(101, 0) p+(202, 9) p-(202, "abc") p+(302, 1) p-(302, 9)'
        action --delta
  2. Order matters. Simulate changing 101:9, 202:9, 302:1, and finally 101:15 (in that order). Then query the change in the error table:

    $ openstack congress policy simulate alice 'error(x)'
        'p+(101, 9) p-(101, 0) p+(202, 9) p-(202, "abc") p+(302, 1) p-(302, 9)
         p+(101, 15) p-(101, 9)' action --delta
  3. Tracing. Simulate changing 101:9 and query the change in the error table, while asking for a debug trace of the computation:

    $ openstack congress policy simulate alice 'error(x)'
        'p+(101, 9) p-(101, 0)' action --delta --trace
    RT    : ** Simulate: Querying error(x)
    Clas  : Call: error(x)
    Clas  : | Call: p(x, 9)
    Clas  : | Exit: p(302, 9)
    Clas  : Exit: error(302)
    Clas  : Redo: error(302)
    Clas  : | Redo: p(302, 9)
    Clas  : | Fail: p(x, 9)
    Clas  : Fail: error(x)
    Clas  : Found answer [error(302)]
    RT    : Original result of error(x) is [error(302)]
    RT    : ** Simulate: Applying sequence [set(101, 9)]
    Action: Call: action(x)
  4. Changing rules. Simulate adding 101: 5 (which results in 101 having 2 values) and deleting the rule that says each key must have at most 1 value. Then query the error table:

    $ openstack congress policy simulate alice 'error(x)'
        'p+(101, 5)   error-(x) :- p(x, val1), p(x, val2), not equal(val1, val2)'

The syntax for inserting/deleting rules is a bit awkward since we just afix a + or - to the head of the rule. Ideally we would afix the +/- to the rule as a whole. This syntactic sugar will be added in a future release.

There is also currently the limitation that you can only insert/delete rules from the policy you are querying. And you cannot insert/delete action description rules.

2.1 Simulation with Actions

The downside to the simulation functionality just described is that the cloud service wanting to prevent policy violations would need to compute the proposed changes in terms of the tables that Congress uses to represent its internal state. Ideally a cloud service would have no idea which tables Congress uses to represent its internals. But even if each cloud service knew which tables Congress was using, it would still need convert each API call into a collection of changes on its internal tables.

For example, an API call for Nova to provision a new VM might change several tables. An API call to Heat to provision a new app might change tables in several different cloud services. Translating each API call exposed by a cloud service into the collection of Congress table changes is sometimes impractical.

In the key/value examples above, the caller needed to know the current state of the key/value store in order to accurately describe the changes she wanted to make. Setting the key 101 to value 9 meant knowing that its current value was 0 so that during the simulation we could say to delete the assignment of 101 to 0 and add the assignment of 101 to 9.

It would be preferable if an external cloud service could simply ask Congress if the API call it is about to execute is permitted by the policy. To do that, we must tell Congress what each of those actions do in terms of the cloud-service tables. Each of these action descriptions describe which rows are inserted/deleted from which tables if the action were to be executed in the current state of the cloud. Those action descriptions are written in Datalog and are stored in a policy of type ‘action’.

Action description policy statements are regular Datalog rules with one main exception: they use + and - to adorn the table in the head of a rule to indicate whether they are describing how to insert table rows or to delete table rows, respectively.

For example in the key-value store, we can define an action ‘set(key, value)’ that deletes the current value assigned to ‘key’ and adds ‘value’ in its place. To describe this action, we write two things: a declaration to Congress that set is indeed an action using the reserved table name action and rules that describe which table rows set inserts and which rows it deletes:

p+(x,y) :- set(x,y)
p-(x,oldy) :- set(x,y), p(x,oldy)

Note: Insertion takes precedence over deletion, which means that if a row is both inserted and deleted by an action, the row will be inserted.

To insert these rows, we create a policy of type ‘action’ and then insert these rules into that policy:

$ openstack congress policy create aliceactions --kind 'action'
$ openstack congress policy rule create aliceactions 'action("set")'
$ openstack congress policy rule create aliceactions 'p+(x,y) :- set(x,y)'
$ openstack congress policy rule create aliceactions 'p-(x,oldy) :- set(x,y), p(x,oldy)'

Below we illustrate how to use set to simplify the simulation queries shown previously.

  1. Inserts and Deletes. Set key 101 to value 5 and ask for the contents of error:

    $ openstack congress policy simulate alice 'error(x)' 'set(101, 5)' aliceactions
  2. Multiple error changes. Simulate changing 101:9, 202:9, 302:1 and query the change in the error table:

    $ openstack congress policy simulate alice 'error(x)'
        'set(101, 9) set(202, 9) set(302, 1)' aliceactions --delta
  3. Order matters. Simulate changing 101:9, 202:9, 302:1, and finally 101:15 (in that order). Then query the change in the error table:

    $ openstack congress policy simulate alice 'error(x)'
        'set(101, 9) set(202, 9) set(302, 1) set(101, 15)' aliceactions --delta
  4. Mixing actions and state-changes. Simulate changing 101:9 and adding value 7 for key 202. Then query the change in the error table:

    $ openstack congress policy simulate alice 'error(x)'
        'set(101, 9) p+(202, 7)' aliceactions --delta

3. Manual Reactive Enforcement

Not all policies can be enforced proactively on all clouds, which means that sometimes the cloud will violate policy. Once policy violations happen, Congress can take action to transition the cloud back into one of the states permitted by policy. We call this reactive enforcement. Currently, to reactively enforce policy, Congress relies on people to tell it which actions to execute and when to execute them, hence we call it manual reactive enforcement.

Of course, Congress tries to make it easy for people to tell it how to react to policy violations. People write policy statements that look almost the same as standard Datalog rules, except the rules use the modal execute in the head. For more information about the Datalog language and how to write these rules, see Policy.

Take a simple example that is easy and relatively safe to try out. The policy we want is that no server should have an ACTIVE status. The policy we write tells Congress how to react when this policy is violated: it says to ask Nova to execute pause() every time it sees a server with ACTIVE status:

$ openstack congress policy create reactive
$ openstack congress policy rule create reactive
    'execute[nova:servers.pause(x)] :- nova:servers(id=x, status="ACTIVE")'

The way this works is that everytime Congress gets new data about the state of the cloud, it figures out whether that new data causes any new rows to be added to the nova:servers.pause(x) table. (While policy writers know that nova:servers.pause isn’t a table in the usual sense, the Datalog implementation treats it like a normal table and computes all the rows that belong to it in the usual way.) If there are new rows added to the nova:servers.pause(x) table, Congress asks Nova to execute servers.pause for every row that was newly created. The arguments passed to servers.pause are the columns in each row.

For example, if two servers have their status set to ACTIVE, Congress receives the following data (in actuality the data comes in with all the columns set, but here we use column references for the sake of pedagogy):

nova:servers(id="66dafde0-a49c-11e3-be40-425861b86ab6", status="ACTIVE")
nova:servers(id="73e31d4c-a49c-11e3-be40-425861b86ab6", status="ACTIVE")

Congress will then ask Nova to execute the following commands:


Congress will not wait for a response from Nova. Nor will it change the status of the two servers that it asked Nova to pause in its nova:servers table. Congress will simply execute the pause() actions and wait for new data to arrive, just like always. Eventually Nova executes the pause() requests, the status of those servers change, and Congress receives another data update:

nova:servers(id="66dafde0-a49c-11e3-be40-425861b86ab6", status="PAUSED")
nova:servers(id="73e31d4c-a49c-11e3-be40-425861b86ab6", status="PAUSED")

At this point, Congress updates the status of those servers in its nova:servers table to PAUSED. But this time, Congress will find that no new rows were added to the nova:servers.pause(x) table and so will execute no actions. (Two rows were deleted, but Congress ignores deletions.)

In short, Congress executes actions exactly when new rows are inserted into a table augmented with the execute modal.

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