The cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.client.client_cmode Module

class Client(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.client.client_base.Client

check_apis_on_cluster(*args, **kwargs)

Checks API availability and permissions on cluster.

Checks API availability and permissions for executing user. Returns a list of failed apis.

clone_file(*args, **kwargs)

Clones file on vserver.

clone_lun(*args, **kwargs)
delete_file(*args, **kwargs)

Delete file at path.

file_assign_qos(*args, **kwargs)

Assigns the named QoS policy-group to a file.

get_fc_target_wwpns(*args, **kwargs)

Gets the FC target details.

get_file_usage(*args, **kwargs)

Gets the file unique bytes.

get_flexvol_capacity(*args, **kwargs)

Gets total capacity and free capacity, in bytes, of the flexvol.

get_if_info_by_ip(*args, **kwargs)

Gets the network interface info by ip.

get_igroup_by_initiators(*args, **kwargs)

Get igroups exactly matching a set of initiators.

get_iscsi_service_details(*args, **kwargs)

Returns iscsi iqn.

get_iscsi_target_details(*args, **kwargs)

Gets the iSCSI target portal details.

get_lun_by_args(*args, **kwargs)

Retrieves LUN with specified args.

get_lun_list(*args, **kwargs)

Gets the list of LUNs on filer.

Gets the LUNs from cluster with vserver.

get_lun_map(*args, **kwargs)

Gets the LUN map by LUN path.

get_operational_network_interface_addresses(*args, **kwargs)

Gets the IP addresses of operational LIFs on the vserver.

get_vol_by_junc_vserver(*args, **kwargs)

Gets the volume by junction path and vserver.

get_vserver_ips(*args, **kwargs)

Get ips for the vserver.

mark_qos_policy_group_for_deletion(*args, **kwargs)

Do (soft) delete of backing QOS policy group for a cinder volume.

provision_qos_policy_group(*args, **kwargs)

Create QOS policy group on the backend if appropriate.

qos_policy_group_create(*args, **kwargs)

Creates a QOS policy group.

qos_policy_group_delete(*args, **kwargs)

Attempts to delete a QOS policy group.

qos_policy_group_rename(*args, **kwargs)

Renames a QOS policy group.

remove_unused_qos_policy_groups(*args, **kwargs)

Deletes all QOS policy groups that are marked for deletion.

set_lun_qos_policy_group(*args, **kwargs)

Sets qos_policy_group on a LUN.

set_vserver(*args, **kwargs)

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The cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.client.client_base Module

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The cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.fc_7mode Module

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