Series upgrade OpenStack

This document will provide specific steps for how to perform a series upgrade across the entirety of a Charmed OpenStack cloud.


This document is based upon the foundational knowledge and guidelines set forth on the more general Series upgrade page. That reference must be studied in-depth prior to attempting the steps outlined here. In particular, ensure that the Pre-upgrade requirements are satisfied and that the Workload specific preparations have been addressed during planning.


Although the goal is to minimise downtime the series upgrade process across a cloud will nonetheless result in some level of downtime for the control plane.

When the machines associated with stateful applications such as percona-cluster and rabbitmq-server undergo a series upgrade all cloud APIs will experience downtime, in addition to the stateful applications themselves.

When machines associated with a single API application undergo a series upgrade that individual API will also experience downtime. This is because it is necessary to pause services in order to avoid race condition errors.

For those applications working in tandem with hacluster, as will be shown, some hacluster units will need to be paused before the upgrade. One should assume that the commencement of an outage coincides with this step (it will cause cluster quorum heartbeats to fail and the service VIP will consequently go offline).

Generalised OpenStack series upgrade

This section will summarise the series upgrade steps in the context of specific OpenStack applications. It is an enhancement of the Generic series upgrade section in the companion document.

Generally, this summary is well-suited to API applications (e.g. neutron-api, keystone, nova-cloud-controller).

Applications for which this summary does not apply include:

  1. those that do not require the pausing of units and where application leadership is irrelevant:

    • nova-compute

    • ceph-mon

    • ceph-osd

  2. those that require a special upgrade workflow due to payload/upstream requirements:

    • percona-cluster

    • rabbitmq-server


Let the machine associated with the leader of the principal application be called the “principal leader machine” and its unit the “principal leader unit”.

Let the machines associated with the non-leaders of the principal application be be called the “principal non-leader machines” and their units the “principal non-leader units”.

The steps are as follows:

  1. Set the default series for the principal application.

  2. If hacluster is used, pause the hacluster units not associated with the principal leader machine.

  3. Pause the principal non-leader units.

  4. Perform a series upgrade on each of the paused machines:

    1. Disable Unattended upgrades.

    2. Perform any pre-upgrade workload maintenance tasks.

    3. Invoke the prepare sub-command.

    4. Upgrade the operating system (APT commands).

    5. Perform any post-upgrade tasks at the machine/unit level.

    6. Re-enable Unattended upgrades.

    7. Reboot.

    8. Invoke the complete sub-command.

  5. Pause the principal leader unit.

  6. Repeat step 4 for the paused principal leader machine.

  7. Perform any remaining post-upgrade tasks.

  8. Update the software sources for the principal application’s machines.


The procedures are categorised based on application types. The example scenario used throughout is a ‘xenial’ to ‘bionic’ series upgrade, within an OpenStack release of Queens (i.e. the starting point is a UCA release of ‘xenial-queens’).

New default series for the model

Ensure that any newly-created application units are based on the next series by setting the model’s default series appropriately:

juju model-config default-series=bionic

Stateful applications

This section covers the series upgrade procedure for containerised stateful applications. These include:

  • ceph-mon

  • percona-cluster

  • rabbitmq-server

A stateful application is one that maintains the state of various aspects of the cloud. Clustered stateful applications, such as the ones given above, require a quorum to function properly. Therefore, a stateful application should not have all of its units restarted simultaneously; it must have the series of its corresponding machines upgraded sequentially.



During this upgrade there will NOT be a Ceph service outage.

The MON cluster will be maintained during the upgrade by the ceph-mon charm, rendering application leadership irrelevant. Notably, ceph-mon units do not need to be paused.

This scenario is represented by the following partial juju status command output:

App       Version  Status  Scale  Charm     Store       Channel  Rev  OS      Message
ceph-mon  12.2.13  active      3  ceph-mon  charmstore  stable   483  ubuntu  Unit is ready and clustered

Unit         Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports  Message
ceph-mon/0   active    idle   0/lxd/0          Unit is ready and clustered
ceph-mon/1   active    idle   1/lxd/0          Unit is ready and clustered
ceph-mon/2*  active    idle   2/lxd/0          Unit is ready and clustered
  1. Perform any workload maintenance pre-upgrade steps.

    For ceph-mon, there are no recommended steps to take.

  2. Set the default series for the principal application:

    juju set-series ceph-mon bionic
  3. Perform a series upgrade of the machines in any order:

    juju upgrade-series 0/lxd/0 prepare bionic
    juju ssh 0/lxd/0 sudo apt update
    juju ssh 0/lxd/0 sudo apt full-upgrade
    juju ssh 0/lxd/0 sudo do-release-upgrade

    For ceph-mon, there are no post-upgrade steps; the prompt to reboot can be answered in the affirmative.

    Invoke the complete sub-command:

    juju upgrade-series 0/lxd/0 complete
  4. Repeat step 3 for each of the remaining machines:

    juju upgrade-series 1/lxd/0 prepare bionic
    juju ssh 1/lxd/0 sudo apt update
    juju ssh 1/lxd/0 sudo apt full-upgrade
    juju ssh 1/lxd/0 sudo do-release-upgrade  # and reboot
    juju upgrade-series 1/lxd/0 complete
    juju upgrade-series 2/lxd/0 prepare bionic
    juju ssh 2/lxd/0 sudo apt update
    juju ssh 2/lxd/0 sudo apt full-upgrade
    juju ssh 2/lxd/0 sudo do-release-upgrade  # and reboot
    juju upgrade-series 2/lxd/0 complete
  5. Perform any remaining post-upgrade tasks.

    For ceph-mon, there are no remaining post-upgrade steps.

  6. Update the software sources for the application’s machines.

    For ceph-mon, set the value of the source configuration option to ‘distro’:

    juju config ceph-mon source=distro

The final partial juju status output looks like this:

App       Version  Status  Scale  Charm     Store       Channel  Rev  OS      Message
ceph-mon  12.2.13  active      3  ceph-mon  charmstore  stable   483  ubuntu  Unit is ready and clustered

Unit         Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports  Message
ceph-mon/0   active    idle   0/lxd/0          Unit is ready and clustered
ceph-mon/1   active    idle   1/lxd/0          Unit is ready and clustered
ceph-mon/2*  active    idle   2/lxd/0          Unit is ready and clustered

Note that the version of Ceph has not been upgraded (from 12.2.13 - Luminous) since the OpenStack release (of Queens) remains unchanged.


To ensure proper cluster health, the RabbitMQ cluster is not reformed until all rabbitmq-server units are series upgraded. An action is then used to complete the upgrade by bringing the cluster back online.


During this upgrade there will be a RabbitMQ service outage.

This scenario is represented by the following partial juju status command output:

App              Version  Status  Scale  Charm            Store       Channel  Rev  OS      Message
rabbitmq-server  3.5.7    active      3  rabbitmq-server  charmstore  stable   118  ubuntu  Unit is ready and clustered

Unit                Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports     Message
rabbitmq-server/0*  active    idle   0/lxd/0      5672/tcp  Unit is ready and clustered
rabbitmq-server/1   active    idle   1/lxd/0      5672/tcp  Unit is ready and clustered
rabbitmq-server/2   active    idle   2/lxd/0      5672/tcp  Unit is ready and clustered

In summary, the principal leader unit is rabbitmq-server/0 and is deployed on machine 0/lxd/0 (the principal leader machine).

  1. Perform any workload maintenance pre-upgrade steps.

    For rabbitmq-server, there are no recommended steps to take.

  2. Set the default series for the principal application:

    juju set-series rabbitmq-server bionic
  3. Pause the principal non-leader units:

    juju run-action --wait rabbitmq-server/1 pause
    juju run-action --wait rabbitmq-server/2 pause
  4. Perform a series upgrade of the principal leader machine:

    juju upgrade-series 0/lxd/0 prepare bionic
    juju ssh 0/lxd/0 sudo apt update
    juju ssh 0/lxd/0 sudo apt full-upgrade
    juju ssh 0/lxd/0 sudo do-release-upgrade

    For rabbitmq-server, there are no post-upgrade steps; the prompt to reboot can be answered in the affirmative.

    Invoke the complete sub-command:

    juju upgrade-series 0/lxd/0 complete
  5. Repeat step 4 for each of the principal non-leader machines:

    juju upgrade-series 1/lxd/0 prepare bionic
    juju ssh 1/lxd/0 sudo apt update
    juju ssh 1/lxd/0 sudo apt full-upgrade
    juju ssh 1/lxd/0 sudo do-release-upgrade  # and reboot
    juju upgrade-series 1/lxd/0 complete
    juju upgrade-series 2/lxd/0 prepare bionic
    juju ssh 2/lxd/0 sudo apt update
    juju ssh 2/lxd/0 sudo apt full-upgrade
    juju ssh 2/lxd/0 sudo do-release-upgrade  # and reboot
    juju upgrade-series 2/lxd/0 complete
  6. Perform any remaining post-upgrade tasks.

    For rabbitmq-server, run an action:

    juju run-action --wait rabbitmq-server/leader complete-cluster-series-upgrade
  7. Update the software sources for the application’s machines.

    For rabbitmq-server, set the value of the source configuration option to ‘distro’:

    juju config rabbitmq-server source=distro

The final partial juju status output looks like this:

App              Version  Status  Scale  Charm            Store       Channel  Rev  OS      Message
rabbitmq-server  3.6.10   active      3  rabbitmq-server  charmstore  stable   118  ubuntu  Unit is ready and clustered

Unit                Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports     Message
rabbitmq-server/0*  active    idle   0/lxd/0      5672/tcp  Unit is ready and clustered
rabbitmq-server/1   active    idle   1/lxd/0      5672/tcp  Unit is ready and clustered
rabbitmq-server/2   active    idle   2/lxd/0      5672/tcp  Unit is ready and clustered

Note that the version of RabbitMQ has been upgraded (from 3.5.7 to 3.6.10) since more recent software has been found in the Ubuntu package archive for Bionic.



During this upgrade there will be a MySQL service outage.

To ensure proper cluster health, the Percona cluster is not reformed until all percona-cluster units are series upgraded. An action is then used to complete the upgrade by bringing the cluster back online.


The eoan series is the last series supported by the percona-cluster charm. It is replaced by the mysql-innodb-cluster and mysql-router charms in the focal series. The migration steps are documented in percona-cluster charm: series upgrade to focal.

Do not upgrade the machines hosting percona-cluster units to the focal series. To be clear, if percona-cluster is containerised then it is the LXD container that must not be upgraded.

This scenario is represented by the following partial juju status command output:

App                        Version  Status  Scale  Charm            Store       Channel  Rev  OS      Message
percona-cluster            5.6.37   active      3  percona-cluster  charmstore  stable   302  ubuntu  Unit is ready
percona-cluster-hacluster           active      3  hacluster        charmstore  stable    81  ubuntu  Unit is ready and clustered

Unit                            Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports     Message
percona-cluster/0*              active    idle   0/lxd/1      3306/tcp  Unit is ready
  percona-cluster-hacluster/2   active    idle                  Unit is ready and clustered
percona-cluster/1               active    idle   1/lxd/1      3306/tcp  Unit is ready
  percona-cluster-hacluster/0*  active    idle                  Unit is ready and clustered
percona-cluster/2               active    idle   2/lxd/1      3306/tcp  Unit is ready
  percona-cluster-hacluster/1   active    idle                  Unit is ready and clustered

In summary, the principal leader unit is percona-cluster/0 and is deployed on machine 0/lxd/1 (the principal leader machine).

  1. Perform any workload maintenance pre-upgrade steps.

    For percona-cluster, take a backup and transfer it to a secure location:

    juju run-action --wait percona-cluster/leader backup
    juju scp -- -r percona-cluster/leader:/opt/backups/mysql /path/to/local/directory

    Permissions will need to be altered on the remote machine, and note that the scp command transfers all existing backups.

  2. Set the default series for the principal application:

    juju set-series percona-cluster bionic
  3. Pause the hacluster units not associated with the principal leader machine:

    juju run-action --wait percona-cluster-hacluster/0 pause
    juju run-action --wait percona-cluster-hacluster/1 pause
  4. Pause the principal non-leader units:

    juju run-action --wait percona-cluster/1 pause
    juju run-action --wait percona-cluster/2 pause

    Leaving the principal leader unit up will ensure it has the latest MySQL sequence number; it will be considered the most up to date cluster member.

    At this point the partial juju status output looks like this:

    App                        Version  Status       Scale  Charm            Store       Channel  Rev  OS      Message
    percona-cluster            5.6.37   maintenance      3  percona-cluster  charmstore  stable   302  ubuntu  Paused. Use 'resume' action to resume normal service.
    percona-cluster-hacluster           maintenance      3  hacluster        charmstore  stable    81  ubuntu  Paused. Use 'resume' action to resume normal service.
    Unit                            Workload     Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports     Message
    percona-cluster/0*              active       idle   0/lxd/1      3306/tcp  Unit is ready
      percona-cluster-hacluster/2   active       idle                  Unit is ready and clustered
    percona-cluster/1               maintenance  idle   1/lxd/1      3306/tcp  Paused. Use 'resume' action to resume normal service.
      percona-cluster-hacluster/0*  maintenance  idle                  Paused. Use 'resume' action to resume normal service.
    percona-cluster/2               maintenance  idle   2/lxd/1      3306/tcp  Paused. Use 'resume' action to resume normal service.
      percona-cluster-hacluster/1   maintenance  idle                  Paused. Use 'resume' action to resume normal service.
  5. Perform a series upgrade of the principal leader machine:

    juju upgrade-series 0/lxd/1 prepare bionic
    juju ssh 0/lxd/1 sudo apt update
    juju ssh 0/lxd/1 sudo apt full-upgrade
    juju ssh 0/lxd/1 sudo do-release-upgrade

    For percona-cluster, there are no post-upgrade steps; the prompt to reboot can be answered in the affirmative.

    Invoke the complete sub-command:

    juju upgrade-series 0/lxd/1 complete
  6. Repeat step 4 for each of the principal non-leader machines:

    juju upgrade-series 1/lxd/1 prepare bionic
    juju ssh 1/lxd/1 sudo apt update
    juju ssh 1/lxd/1 sudo apt full-upgrade
    juju ssh 1/lxd/1 sudo do-release-upgrade  # and reboot
    juju upgrade-series 1/lxd/1 complete
    juju upgrade-series 2/lxd/1 prepare bionic
    juju ssh 2/lxd/1 sudo apt update
    juju ssh 2/lxd/1 sudo apt full-upgrade
    juju ssh 2/lxd/1 sudo do-release-upgrade  # and reboot
    juju upgrade-series 2/lxd/1 complete
  7. Perform any remaining post-upgrade tasks.

    For percona-cluster, a sanity check should be performed on the leader unit’s databases and data.

    Also, an action must be run:

    juju run-action --wait percona-cluster/leader complete-cluster-series-upgrade
  8. Update the software sources for the application’s machines.

    For percona-cluster, set the value of the source configuration option to ‘distro’:

    juju config percona-cluster source=distro

The final partial juju status output looks like this:

App                        Version  Status  Scale  Charm            Store       Channel  Rev  OS      Message
percona-cluster            5.7.20   active      3  percona-cluster  charmstore  stable   302  ubuntu  Unit is ready
percona-cluster-hacluster           active      3  hacluster        charmstore  stable    81  ubuntu  Unit is ready and clustered

Unit                            Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports     Message
percona-cluster/0*              active    idle   0/lxd/1      3306/tcp  Unit is ready
  percona-cluster-hacluster/2   active    idle                  Unit is ready and clustered
percona-cluster/1               active    idle   1/lxd/1      3306/tcp  Unit is ready
  percona-cluster-hacluster/0*  active    idle                  Unit is ready and clustered
percona-cluster/2               active    idle   2/lxd/1      3306/tcp  Unit is ready
  percona-cluster-hacluster/1   active    idle                  Unit is ready and clustered

Note that the version of Percona has been upgraded (from 5.6.37 to 5.7.20) since more recent software has been found in the Ubuntu package archive for Bionic.

API applications

This section covers series upgrade procedures for containerised API applications. These include, but are not limited to:

  • cinder

  • glance

  • keystone

  • neutron-api

  • nova-cloud-controller

Machines hosting API applications can have their series upgraded concurrently because those applications are stateless. This results in a dramatically reduced downtime for the application. A sequential approach will not reduce downtime as the HA services will still need to be brought down during the upgrade associated with the application leader.

The following two sub-sections will show how to perform a series upgrade concurrently for a single API application and for multiple API applications.

Upgrading a single API application concurrently

This example procedure will be based on the keystone application.

This scenario is represented by the following partial juju status command output:

App                 Version  Status  Scale  Charm      Store       Channel  Rev  OS      Message
keystone            13.0.4   active      3  keystone   charmstore  stable   330  ubuntu  Application Ready
keystone-hacluster           active      3  hacluster  charmstore  stable    81  ubuntu  Unit is ready and clustered

Unit                     Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports     Message
keystone/0*              active    idle   0/lxd/0      5000/tcp  Unit is ready
  keystone-hacluster/2   active    idle                  Unit is ready and clustered
keystone/1               active    idle   1/lxd/0      5000/tcp  Unit is ready
  keystone-hacluster/0*  active    idle                  Unit is ready and clustered
keystone/2               active    idle   2/lxd/0      5000/tcp  Unit is ready
  keystone-hacluster/1   active    idle                  Unit is ready and clustered

In summary, the principal leader unit is keystone/0 and is deployed on machine 0/lxd/0 (the principal leader machine).

  1. Set the default series for the principal application:

    juju set-series keystone bionic
  2. Pause the hacluster units not associated with the principal leader machine:

    juju run-action --wait keystone-hacluster/0 pause
    juju run-action --wait keystone-hacluster/1 pause
  3. Pause the principal non-leader units:

    juju run-action --wait keystone/1 pause
    juju run-action --wait keystone/2 pause
  4. Perform any workload maintenance pre-upgrade steps on all machines. There are no keystone-specific steps to perform.

  5. Invoke the prepare sub-command on all machines, starting with the principal leader machine:

    juju upgrade-series 0/lxd/0 prepare bionic
    juju upgrade-series 1/lxd/0 prepare bionic
    juju upgrade-series 2/lxd/0 prepare bionic

    At this point the juju status output looks like this:

    App                 Version  Status   Scale  Charm      Store       Channel  Rev  OS      Message
    keystone            13.0.4   blocked      3  keystone   charmstore  stable   330  ubuntu  Unit paused.
    keystone-hacluster           blocked      3  hacluster  charmstore  stable    81  ubuntu  Ready for do-release-upgrade. Set complete when finished
    Unit                     Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports     Message
    keystone/0*              blocked   idle   0/lxd/0      5000/tcp  Ready for do-release-upgrade and reboot. Set complete when finished., Unit paused.
      keystone-hacluster/2   blocked   idle                  Ready for do-release-upgrade. Set complete when finished
    keystone/1               blocked   idle   1/lxd/0      5000/tcp  Ready for do-release-upgrade and reboot. Set complete when finished., Unit paused.
      keystone-hacluster/0*  blocked   idle                  Ready for do-release-upgrade. Set complete when finished
    keystone/2               blocked   idle   2/lxd/0      5000/tcp  Ready for do-release-upgrade and reboot. Set complete when finished., Unit paused.
      keystone-hacluster/1   blocked   idle                  Ready for do-release-upgrade. Set complete when finished
  6. Upgrade the operating system on all machines. The non-interactive method is used here:

    juju run --machine=0/lxd/0,1/lxd/0,2/lxd/0 --timeout=10m \
       -- sudo apt-get update
    juju run --machine=0/lxd/0,1/lxd/0,2/lxd/0 --timeout=60m \
       -- sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get --assume-yes \
       -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef" \
       -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold" dist-upgrade
    juju run --machine=0/lxd/0,1/lxd/0,2/lxd/0 --timeout=120m \
       -- sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \
       do-release-upgrade -f DistUpgradeViewNonInteractive


    Choose values for the --timeout option that are appropriate for the task at hand.

  7. Perform any post-upgrade tasks.

    For keystone, there are no specific steps to perform.

  8. Reboot all machines:

    juju run --machine=0/lxd/0,1/lxd/0,2/lxd/0 -- sudo reboot
  9. Invoke the complete sub-command on all machines:

    juju upgrade-series 0/lxd/0 complete
    juju upgrade-series 1/lxd/0 complete
    juju upgrade-series 2/lxd/0 complete
  10. Perform any remaining post-upgrade tasks.

    For keystone, there are no remaining post-upgrade steps.

  11. Update the software sources for the application’s machines.

    For keystone, set the value of the openstack-origin configuration option to ‘distro’:

    juju config keystone openstack-origin=distro

The final partial juju status output looks like this:

App                 Version  Status  Scale  Charm      Store       Channel  Rev  OS      Message
keystone            13.0.4   active      3  keystone   charmstore  stable   330  ubuntu  Application Ready
keystone-hacluster           active      3  hacluster  charmstore  stable    81  ubuntu  Unit is ready and clustered

Unit                     Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports     Message
keystone/0*              active    idle   0/lxd/0      5000/tcp  Unit is ready
  keystone-hacluster/2   active    idle                  Unit is ready and clustered
keystone/1               active    idle   1/lxd/0      5000/tcp  Unit is ready
  keystone-hacluster/0*  active    idle                  Unit is ready and clustered
keystone/2               active    idle   2/lxd/0      5000/tcp  Unit is ready
  keystone-hacluster/1   active    idle                  Unit is ready and clustered

Note that the version of Keystone has not been upgraded (from 13.0.4) since the OpenStack release (of Queens) remains unchanged.

Upgrading multiple API applications concurrently

This example procedure will be based on the nova-cloud-controller and glance applications.

This scenario is represented by the following partial juju status command output:

App                              Version  Status  Scale  Charm                  Store       Channel  Rev  OS      Message
glance                           16.0.1   active      3  glance                 charmstore  stable   484  ubuntu  Unit is ready
glance-hacluster                          active      3  hacluster              charmstore  stable    81  ubuntu  Unit is ready and clustered
nova-cloud-controller            17.0.13  active      3  nova-cloud-controller  charmstore  stable   555  ubuntu  Unit is ready
nova-cloud-controller-hacluster           active      3  hacluster              charmstore  stable    81  ubuntu  Unit is ready and clustered

Unit                                  Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports              Message
glance/0*                             active    idle   2/lxd/1   9292/tcp           Unit is ready
  glance-hacluster/0*                 active    idle                        Unit is ready and clustered
glance/1                              active    idle   2/lxd/3   9292/tcp           Unit is ready
  glance-hacluster/2                  active    idle                        Unit is ready and clustered
glance/2                              active    idle   1/lxd/4   9292/tcp           Unit is ready
  glance-hacluster/1                  active    idle                        Unit is ready and clustered
nova-cloud-controller/0*              active    idle   2/lxd/2   8774/tcp,8778/tcp  Unit is ready
  nova-cloud-controller-hacluster/0*  active    idle                        Unit is ready and clustered
nova-cloud-controller/1               active    idle   1/lxd/2   8774/tcp,8778/tcp  Unit is ready
  nova-cloud-controller-hacluster/1   active    idle                        Unit is ready and clustered
nova-cloud-controller/2               active    idle   0/lxd/4   8774/tcp,8778/tcp  Unit is ready
  nova-cloud-controller-hacluster/2   active    idle                        Unit is ready and clustered

In summary,

  • The glance principal leader unit is glance/0 and is deployed on machine 2/lxd/1 (the glance principal leader machine).

  • The nova-cloud-controller principal leader unit is nova-cloud-controller/0 and is deployed on machine 2/lxd/2 (the nova-cloud-controller principal leader machine).

  1. Set the default series for the principal applications:

    juju set-series glance bionic
    juju set-series nova-cloud-controller bionic
  2. Pause the hacluster units not associated with their principal leader machines:

    juju run-action --wait glance-hacluster/1 pause
    juju run-action --wait glance-hacluster/2 pause
    juju run-action --wait nova-cloud-controller-hacluster/1 pause
    juju run-action --wait nova-cloud-controller-hacluster/2 pause
  3. Pause the principal non-leader units:

    juju run-action --wait glance/1 pause
    juju run-action --wait glance/2 pause
    juju run-action --wait nova-cloud-controller/1 pause
    juju run-action --wait nova-cloud-controller/2 pause
  4. Perform any workload maintenance pre-upgrade steps on all machines. There are no glance-specific nor nova-cloud-controller-specific steps to perform.

  5. Invoke the prepare sub-command on all machines, starting with the principal leader machines. The procedure has been expedited slightly by adding the --yes confirmation option:

    juju upgrade-series --yes 2/lxd/1 prepare bionic
    juju upgrade-series --yes 2/lxd/2 prepare bionic
    juju upgrade-series --yes 2/lxd/3 prepare bionic
    juju upgrade-series --yes 1/lxd/4 prepare bionic
    juju upgrade-series --yes 1/lxd/2 prepare bionic
    juju upgrade-series --yes 0/lxd/4 prepare bionic
  6. Upgrade the operating system on all machines. The non-interactive method is used here:

    juju run --machine=2/lxd/1,2/lxd/2,2/lxd/3,1/lxd/4,1/lxd/2,0/lxd/4 \
       --timeout=20m -- sudo apt-get update
    juju run --machine=2/lxd/1,2/lxd/2,2/lxd/3,1/lxd/4,1/lxd/2,0/lxd/4 \
       --timeout=120m -- sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get --assume-yes \
       -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef" \
       -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold" dist-upgrade
    juju run --machine=2/lxd/1,2/lxd/2,2/lxd/3,1/lxd/4,1/lxd/2,0/lxd/4 \
       --timeout=240m -- sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \
       do-release-upgrade -f DistUpgradeViewNonInteractive
  7. Perform any workload maintenance post-upgrade steps on all machines. There are no glance-specific or nova-cloud-controller-specific steps to perform.

  8. Reboot all machines:

    juju run --machine=2/lxd/1,2/lxd/2,2/lxd/3,1/lxd/4,1/lxd/2,0/lxd/4 \
       -- sudo reboot
  9. Invoke the complete sub-command on all machines:

    juju upgrade-series 2/lxd/1 complete
    juju upgrade-series 2/lxd/2 complete
    juju upgrade-series 2/lxd/3 complete
    juju upgrade-series 1/lxd/4 complete
    juju upgrade-series 1/lxd/2 complete
    juju upgrade-series 0/lxd/4 complete
  10. Update the software sources for the application’s machines.

    For glance and nova-cloud-controller, set the value of the openstack-origin configuration option to ‘distro’:

    juju config glance openstack-origin=distro
    juju config nova-cloud-controller openstack-origin=distro

The final partial juju status output looks like this:

App                              Version  Status  Scale  Charm                  Store       Channel  Rev  OS      Message
glance                           16.0.1   active      3  glance                 charmstore  stable   484  ubuntu  Unit is ready
glance-hacluster                          active      3  hacluster              charmstore  stable    81  ubuntu  Unit is ready and clustered
nova-cloud-controller            17.0.13  active      3  nova-cloud-controller  charmstore  stable   555  ubuntu  Unit is ready
nova-cloud-controller-hacluster           active      3  hacluster              charmstore  stable    81  ubuntu  Unit is ready and clustered

Unit                                  Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports              Message
glance/0*                             active    idle   2/lxd/1   9292/tcp           Unit is ready
  glance-hacluster/0*                 active    idle                        Unit is ready and clustered
glance/1                              active    idle   2/lxd/3   9292/tcp           Unit is ready
  glance-hacluster/2                  active    idle                        Unit is ready and clustered
glance/2                              active    idle   1/lxd/4   9292/tcp           Unit is ready
  glance-hacluster/1                  active    idle                        Unit is ready and clustered
nova-cloud-controller/0*              active    idle   2/lxd/2   8774/tcp,8778/tcp  Unit is ready
  nova-cloud-controller-hacluster/0*  active    idle                        Unit is ready and clustered
nova-cloud-controller/1               active    idle   1/lxd/2   8774/tcp,8778/tcp  Unit is ready
  nova-cloud-controller-hacluster/1   active    idle                        Unit is ready and clustered
nova-cloud-controller/2               active    idle   0/lxd/4   8774/tcp,8778/tcp  Unit is ready
  nova-cloud-controller-hacluster/2   active    idle                        Unit is ready and clustered

Physical machines

This section looks at series upgrades from the standpoint of an individual (physical) machine. This is different from looking at series upgrades from the standpoint of applications that happen to be running on certain machines.

Since the standard topology for Charmed OpenStack is to optimise containerisation (with one service per container), a physical machine is expected to directly host only those applications which cannot generally be containerised. These notably include:

  • ceph-osd

  • neutron-gateway

  • nova-compute

Naturally, when the physical machine is rebooted all containerised applications will also go offline.

It is assumed that all affected services, as much as is possible, are under HA. Note that a hypervisor (nova-compute) cannot be made highly available.

When performing a series upgrade on a physical machine more attention should be accorded to workload maintenance pre-upgrade steps:

  • For compute nodes migrate all running VMs to another hypervisor.

  • For network nodes migrate routers to another cloud node.

  • Any storage related tasks that may be required.

  • Any site specific tasks that may be required.

The following two sub-sections will examine series upgrades for a single physical machine and, concurrently, for multiple physical machines.

Upgrading a single physical machine

This scenario is represented by the following partial juju status command output:

App                              Version  Status  Scale  Charm                  Store       Channel  Rev  OS      Message
ceph-mon                         12.2.13  active      1  ceph-mon               charmstore  stable   483  ubuntu  Unit is ready and clustered
ceph-osd                         12.2.13  active      1  ceph-osd               charmstore  stable   502  ubuntu  Unit is ready (1 OSD)
glance                           16.0.1   active      1  glance                 charmstore  stable   484  ubuntu  Unit is ready
glance-hacluster                          active      0  hacluster              charmstore  stable    81  ubuntu  Unit is ready and clustered
nova-cloud-controller            17.0.13  active      1  nova-cloud-controller  charmstore  stable   555  ubuntu  Unit is ready
nova-cloud-controller-hacluster           active      0  hacluster              charmstore  stable    81  ubuntu  Unit is ready and clustered
nova-compute                     17.0.13  active      1  nova-compute           charmstore  stable   578  ubuntu  Unit is ready

Unit                                 Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports              Message
ceph-mon/1                           active    idle   1/lxd/0                      Unit is ready and clustered
ceph-osd/1                           active    idle   1                      Unit is ready (1 OSD)
glance/2                             active    idle   1/lxd/4   9292/tcp           Unit is ready
  glance-hacluster/1                 active    idle                        Unit is ready and clustered
nova-cloud-controller/1              active    idle   1/lxd/2   8774/tcp,8778/tcp  Unit is ready
  nova-cloud-controller-hacluster/1  active    idle                        Unit is ready and clustered
nova-compute/0*                      active    idle   1                      Unit is ready
  neutron-openvswitch/0*             active    idle                        Unit is ready

Machine  State    DNS            Inst id              Series  AZ       Message
1        started  node-fontana         xenial  default  Deployed
1/lxd/0  started  juju-0642e9-1-lxd-0  bionic  default  series upgrade completed: success
1/lxd/2  started  juju-0642e9-1-lxd-2  bionic  default  series upgrade completed: success
1/lxd/4  started  juju-0642e9-1-lxd-4  bionic  default  series upgrade completed: success

As is evidenced by the noted series for each Juju machine, only the physical machine remains to have its series upgraded. This example procedure will therefore involve the nova-compute and ceph-osd applications. Note however that the nova-compute application is coupled with the neutron-openvswitch subordinate application.

Discarding those applications whose machines have already been upgraded we arrive at the following output:

App                              Version  Status  Scale  Charm                  Store       Channel  Rev  OS      Message
ceph-osd                         12.2.13  active      1  ceph-osd               charmstore  stable   502  ubuntu  Unit is ready (1 OSD)
neutron-openvswitch              12.1.1   active      0  neutron-openvswitch    charmstore  stable   454  ubuntu  Unit is ready
nova-compute                     17.0.13  active      1  nova-compute           charmstore  stable   578  ubuntu  Unit is ready

Unit                                 Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports              Message
ceph-osd/1                           active    idle   1                      Unit is ready (1 OSD)
nova-compute/0*                      active    idle   1                      Unit is ready
  neutron-openvswitch/0*             active    idle                        Unit is ready

In summary, the ceph-osd and nova-compute applications are hosted on machine 1. Since application leadership does not play a significant role with these two applications, and because the hacluster application is not present, there will be no units to pause.


As was the case for the upgrade procedure involving the ceph-mon application, during the upgrade involving ceph-osd, there will NOT be a Ceph service outage.

  1. It is recommended to set the Ceph cluster OSDs to ‘noout’ to prevent the rebalancing of data. This is typically done at the application level (i.e. not at the unit or machine level):

    juju run-action --wait ceph-mon/leader set-noout
  2. Perform any workload maintenance pre-upgrade steps.

    All running VMs should be migrated to another hypervisor. See cloud operation Live migrate VMs from a running compute node.

  3. Perform a series upgrade of the machine:

    juju upgrade-series 1 prepare bionic
    juju ssh 1 sudo apt update
    juju ssh 1 sudo apt full-upgrade
    juju ssh 1 sudo do-release-upgrade  # and reboot
    juju upgrade-series 1 complete
  4. Perform any remaining post-upgrade tasks.

    If OSDs were previously set to ‘noout’ then verify the up/in status of the OSDs and then unset ‘noout’ for the cluster:

    juju run --unit ceph-mon/leader -- ceph status
    juju run-action --wait ceph-mon/leader unset-noout
  5. Update the software sources for the machine.


    As was done in previous procedures, only set software sources once all machines for the associated applications have had their series upgraded.

    For the principal applications ceph-osd and nova-compute, set the appropriate configuration option to ‘distro’:

    juju config nova-compute openstack-origin=distro
    juju config ceph-osd source=distro


    Although updating the software sources more than once on the same machine may appear redundant it is recommended to do so.

Upgrading multiple physical hosts concurrently

When physical machines have their series upgraded concurrently Availability Zones need to be taken into account. Machines should be placed into upgrade groups such that any API services running on them have a maximum of one unit per group. This is to ensure API availability at the reboot stage.

This simplified bundle is used to demonstrate the general idea:

series: xenial
  0: {}
  1: {}
  2: {}
  3: {}
  4: {}
  5: {}
    charm: cs:nova-compute
    num_units: 3
      openstack-origin: cloud:xenial-queens
      - 0
      - 2
      - 4
    charm: cs:keystone
    num_units: 3
      openstack-origin: cloud:xenial-queens
      - lxd:1
      - lxd:3
      - lxd:5
    charm: cs:hacluster
      cluster_count: 3

Three upgrade groups could consist of the following machines:

  1. Machines 0 and 1

  2. Machines 2 and 3

  3. Machines 4 and 5

In this way, a less time-consuming series upgrade can be performed while still ensuring the availability of services.


For the ceph-osd application, ensure that rack-aware replication rules exist in the CRUSH map if machines are being rebooted together. This is to prevent significant interruption to running workloads from occurring if the same placement group is hosted on those machines. For example, if ceph-mon is deployed with customize-failure-domain set to ‘true’ and the ceph-osd units are hosted on machines in three or more separate Juju AZs you can safely reboot ceph-osd machines simultaneously in the same zone. See the Ceph AZ section on the Infrastructure high availability page for details.


Series upgrades across an OpenStack cloud can be time consuming, even when using concurrent methods wherever possible. They can also be tedious and thus susceptible to human error.

The following code examples encapsulate the processes described in this document. They are provided solely to illustrate the methods used to develop and test the series upgrade primitives:

  • Parallel tests: An example that is used as a functional verification of a series upgrade in the OpenStack Charms project. Search for function test_200_run_series_upgrade.

  • Upgrade helpers: A set of helpers used in the above upgrade example.


The example code should only be used for its intended use case of development and testing. Do not attempt to automate a series upgrade on a production cloud.