Ceph RADOS Gateway multisite replication¶
Ceph RADOS Gateway (RGW) native replication between ceph-radosgw applications is supported both within a single model and between different models. By default, each application will accept write operations.
Multisite replication is supported starting with Ceph Luminous.
Converting from a standalone deployment to a replicated deployment is not supported.
Example bundles for the us-west and us-east models can be found in the bundles subdirectory of the ceph-radosgw charm.
To deploy the ceph-radosgw charm in this configuration ensure that the following configuration options are set on the instances of the ceph-radosgw deployed - in this example rgw-us-east and rgw-us-west are both instances of the ceph-radosgw charm:
realm: replicated
zonegroup: us
zone: us-east
realm: replicated
zonegroup: us
zone: us-west
The realm and zonegroup configuration must be identical between instances of the ceph-radosgw application participating in the multi-site deployment; the zone configuration must be unique per application.
When deploying with this configuration the ceph-radosgw applications will deploy into a blocked state until the primary/secondary (cross-model) relation is added.
Typically each ceph-radosgw deployment will be associated with a separate ceph cluster at different physical locations - in this example the deployments are in different models (‘us-east’ and ‘us-west’).
One ceph-radosgw application acts as the initial primary for the deployment - setup the primary relation endpoint as the provider of the offer for the cross-model relation:
juju offer -m us-east rgw-us-east:primary
The cross-model relation offer can then be consumed in the other model and related to the secondary ceph-radosgw application:
juju consume -m us-west admin/us-east.rgw-us-east
juju add-relation -m us-west rgw-us-west:secondary rgw-us-east:primary
Once the relation has been added the realm, zonegroup and zone configuration will be created in the primary deployment and then synced to the secondary deployment.
The current sync status can be validated from either model:
juju ssh -m us-east ceph-mon/0
sudo radosgw-admin sync status
realm 142eb39c-67c4-42b3-9116-1f4ffca23964 (replicated)
zonegroup 7b69f059-425b-44f5-8a21-ade63c2034bd (us)
zone 4ee3bc39-b526-4ac9-a233-64ebeacc4574 (us-east)
metadata sync no sync (zone is master)
data sync source: db876cf0-62a8-4b95-88f4-d0f543136a07 (us-west)
full sync: 0/128 shards
incremental sync: 128/128 shards
data is caught up with source
Once the deployment is complete, the default zone and zonegroup can optionally be tidied using the ‘tidydefaults’ action:
juju run-action -m us-west --wait rgw-us-west/0 tidydefaults
This operation is not reversible.
In the event that the site hosting the zone which is the primary for metadata (in this example us-east) has an outage, the primary metadata zone must be failed over to the secondary site; this operation is performed using the ‘promote’ action:
juju run-action -m us-west --wait rgw-us-west/0 promote
Once this action has completed, the secondary site will be the primary for metadata updates and the deployment will accept new uploads of data.
Once the failed site has been recovered it will resync and resume as a secondary to the promoted primary site (us-west in this example).
The primary metadata zone can be failed back to its original location once resync has completed using the ‘promote’ action:
juju run-action -m us-east --wait rgw-us-east/0 promote
Read/write vs Read-only¶
By default all zones within a deployment will be read/write capable but only the primary zone can be used to create new containers.
Non-primary zones can optionally be marked as read-only by using the ‘readonly’ action:
juju run-action -m us-east --wait rgw-us-east/0 readonly
a zone that is currently read-only can be switched to read/write mode by either promoting it to be the current primary or by using the ‘readwrite’ action:
juju run-action -m us-east --wait rgw-us-east/0 readwrite