Source code for ceilometer.ipmi.pollsters.node

# Copyright 2014 Intel
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

import abc

from oslo_log import log
import six

from ceilometer.agent import plugin_base
from ceilometer.i18n import _
from ceilometer.ipmi.platform import exception as nmexcept
from ceilometer.ipmi.platform import intel_node_manager as node_manager
from ceilometer import sample

LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)

class _Base(plugin_base.PollsterBase):

    def setup_environment(self):
        super(_Base, self).setup_environment()
        self.nodemanager = node_manager.NodeManager(self.conf)
        self.polling_failures = 0

        # Do not load this extension if no NM support
        if self.nodemanager.nm_version == 0:
            raise plugin_base.ExtensionLoadError()

    def default_discovery(self):
        return 'local_node'

    def get_value(self, stats):
        """Get value from statistics."""
        return node_manager._hex(stats["Current_value"])

    def read_data(self, cache):
        """Return data sample for IPMI."""

    def get_samples(self, manager, cache, resources):
        # Only one resource for Node Manager pollster
            stats = self.read_data(cache)
        except nmexcept.IPMIException:
            self.polling_failures += 1
            LOG.warning(_('Polling %(name)s failed for %(cnt)s times!')
                        % ({'name': self.NAME,
                            'cnt': self.polling_failures}))
            if 0 <= self.conf.ipmi.polling_retry < self.polling_failures:
                LOG.warning(_('Pollster for %s is disabled!') % self.NAME)
                raise plugin_base.PollsterPermanentError(resources)

        self.polling_failures = 0

        metadata = {

        if stats:
            data = self.get_value(stats)

            yield sample.Sample(

[docs]class InletTemperaturePollster(_Base): # Note(ildikov): The new meter name should be # "hardware.ipmi.node.inlet_temperature". As currently there # is no meter deprecation support in the code, we should use the # old name in order to avoid confusion. NAME = "hardware.ipmi.node.temperature" TYPE = sample.TYPE_GAUGE UNIT = "C"
[docs] def read_data(self, cache): return self.nodemanager.read_inlet_temperature()
[docs]class OutletTemperaturePollster(_Base): NAME = "hardware.ipmi.node.outlet_temperature" TYPE = sample.TYPE_GAUGE UNIT = "C"
[docs] def read_data(self, cache): return self.nodemanager.read_outlet_temperature()
[docs]class PowerPollster(_Base): NAME = "hardware.ipmi.node.power" TYPE = sample.TYPE_GAUGE UNIT = "W"
[docs] def read_data(self, cache): return self.nodemanager.read_power_all()
[docs]class AirflowPollster(_Base): NAME = "hardware.ipmi.node.airflow" TYPE = sample.TYPE_GAUGE UNIT = "CFM"
[docs] def read_data(self, cache): return self.nodemanager.read_airflow()
[docs]class CUPSIndexPollster(_Base): NAME = "hardware.ipmi.node.cups" TYPE = sample.TYPE_GAUGE UNIT = "CUPS"
[docs] def read_data(self, cache): return self.nodemanager.read_cups_index()
[docs] def get_value(self, stats): return node_manager._hex(stats["CUPS_Index"])
class _CUPSUtilPollsterBase(_Base): CACHE_KEY_CUPS = 'CUPS' def read_data(self, cache): i_cache = cache.setdefault(self.CACHE_KEY_CUPS, {}) if not i_cache: i_cache.update(self.nodemanager.read_cups_utilization()) return i_cache
[docs]class CPUUtilPollster(_CUPSUtilPollsterBase): NAME = "hardware.ipmi.node.cpu_util" TYPE = sample.TYPE_GAUGE UNIT = "%"
[docs] def get_value(self, stats): return node_manager._hex(stats["CPU_Utilization"])
[docs]class MemUtilPollster(_CUPSUtilPollsterBase): NAME = "hardware.ipmi.node.mem_util" TYPE = sample.TYPE_GAUGE UNIT = "%"
[docs] def get_value(self, stats): return node_manager._hex(stats["Mem_Utilization"])
[docs]class IOUtilPollster(_CUPSUtilPollsterBase): NAME = "hardware.ipmi.node.io_util" TYPE = sample.TYPE_GAUGE UNIT = "%"
[docs] def get_value(self, stats): return node_manager._hex(stats["IO_Utilization"])

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