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# Copyright 2014 NEC Corporation.  All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

import datetime

from oslo_utils import timeutils
from oslotest import base

from import statistics
from import driver
from ceilometer import sample

[docs]class TestBase(base.BaseTestCase): @staticmethod
[docs] def test_subclass_ok(): class OkSubclass(statistics._Base): meter_name = 'foo' meter_type = sample.TYPE_GAUGE meter_unit = 'B' OkSubclass()
[docs] def test_subclass_ng(self): class NgSubclass1(statistics._Base): """meter_name is lost.""" meter_type = sample.TYPE_GAUGE meter_unit = 'B' class NgSubclass2(statistics._Base): """meter_type is lost.""" meter_name = 'foo' meter_unit = 'B' class NgSubclass3(statistics._Base): """meter_unit is lost.""" meter_name = 'foo' meter_type = sample.TYPE_GAUGE self.assertRaises(TypeError, NgSubclass1) self.assertRaises(TypeError, NgSubclass2) self.assertRaises(TypeError, NgSubclass3)
[docs]class TestBaseGetSamples(base.BaseTestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): super(TestBaseGetSamples, self).setUp() class FakePollster(statistics._Base): meter_name = 'foo' meter_type = sample.TYPE_CUMULATIVE meter_unit = 'bar' self.pollster = FakePollster()
[docs] def tearDown(self): statistics._Base.drivers = {} super(TestBaseGetSamples, self).tearDown()
@staticmethod def _setup_ext_mgr(**drivers): statistics._Base.drivers = drivers def _make_fake_driver(self, *return_values): class FakeDriver(driver.Driver): def __init__(self): self.index = 0 def get_sample_data(self, meter_name, parse_url, params, cache): if self.index >= len(return_values): yield None retval = return_values[self.index] self.index += 1 yield retval return FakeDriver @staticmethod def _make_timestamps(count): now = timeutils.utcnow() return [(now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=i)).isoformat() for i in range(count)] def _get_samples(self, *resources): return [v for v in self.pollster.get_samples(self, {}, resources)] def _assert_sample(self, s, volume, resource_id, resource_metadata, timestamp): self.assertEqual('foo', self.assertEqual(sample.TYPE_CUMULATIVE, s.type) self.assertEqual('bar', s.unit) self.assertEqual(volume, s.volume) self.assertIsNone(s.user_id) self.assertIsNone(s.project_id) self.assertEqual(resource_id, s.resource_id) self.assertEqual(timestamp, s.timestamp) self.assertEqual(resource_metadata, s.resource_metadata)
[docs] def test_get_samples_one_driver_one_resource(self): times = self._make_timestamps(2) fake_driver = self._make_fake_driver((1, 'a', {'spam': 'egg'}, times[0]), (2, 'b', None, times[1])) self._setup_ext_mgr(http=fake_driver()) samples = self._get_samples('http://foo') self.assertEqual(1, len(samples)) self._assert_sample(samples[0], 1, 'a', {'spam': 'egg'}, times[0])
[docs] def test_get_samples_one_driver_two_resource(self): times = self._make_timestamps(3) fake_driver = self._make_fake_driver((1, 'a', {'spam': 'egg'}, times[0]), (2, 'b', None, times[1]), (3, 'c', None, times[2])) self._setup_ext_mgr(http=fake_driver()) samples = self._get_samples('http://foo', 'http://bar') self.assertEqual(2, len(samples)) self._assert_sample(samples[0], 1, 'a', {'spam': 'egg'}, times[0]) self._assert_sample(samples[1], 2, 'b', None, times[1])
[docs] def test_get_samples_two_driver_one_resource(self): times = self._make_timestamps(4) fake_driver1 = self._make_fake_driver((1, 'a', {'spam': 'egg'}, times[0]), (2, 'b', None), times[1]) fake_driver2 = self._make_fake_driver((11, 'A', None, times[2]), (12, 'B', None, times[3])) self._setup_ext_mgr(http=fake_driver1(), https=fake_driver2()) samples = self._get_samples('http://foo') self.assertEqual(1, len(samples)) self._assert_sample(samples[0], 1, 'a', {'spam': 'egg'}, times[0])
[docs] def test_get_samples_multi_samples(self): times = self._make_timestamps(2) fake_driver = self._make_fake_driver([(1, 'a', {'spam': 'egg'}, times[0]), (2, 'b', None, times[1])]) self._setup_ext_mgr(http=fake_driver()) samples = self._get_samples('http://foo') self.assertEqual(2, len(samples)) self._assert_sample(samples[0], 1, 'a', {'spam': 'egg'}, times[0]) self._assert_sample(samples[1], 2, 'b', None, times[1])
[docs] def test_get_samples_return_none(self): fake_driver = self._make_fake_driver(None) self._setup_ext_mgr(http=fake_driver()) samples = self._get_samples('http://foo') self.assertEqual(0, len(samples))
[docs] def test_get_samples_return_no_generator(self): class NoneFakeDriver(driver.Driver): def get_sample_data(self, meter_name, parse_url, params, cache): return None self._setup_ext_mgr(http=NoneFakeDriver()) samples = self._get_samples('http://foo') self.assertFalse(samples)

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