Source code for ceilometer.compute.virt.inspector

# Copyright 2012 Red Hat, Inc
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Inspector abstraction for read-only access to hypervisors."""

import collections

from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log
from stevedore import driver

import ceilometer
from ceilometer.i18n import _

OPTS = [
               help='Inspector to use for inspecting the hypervisor layer. '
                    'Known inspectors are libvirt, hyperv, vmware, xenapi '
                    'and powervm.'),


LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)

# Named tuple representing instances.
# name: the name of the instance
# uuid: the UUID associated with the instance
Instance = collections.namedtuple('Instance', ['name', 'UUID'])

# Named tuple representing CPU statistics.
# number: number of CPUs
# time: cumulative CPU time
CPUStats = collections.namedtuple('CPUStats', ['number', 'time'])

# Named tuple representing CPU Utilization statistics.
# util: CPU utilization in percentage
CPUUtilStats = collections.namedtuple('CPUUtilStats', ['util'])

# Named tuple representing Memory usage statistics.
# usage: Amount of memory used
MemoryUsageStats = collections.namedtuple('MemoryUsageStats', ['usage'])

# Named tuple representing Resident Memory usage statistics.
# resident: Amount of resident memory
MemoryResidentStats = collections.namedtuple('MemoryResidentStats',

# Named tuple representing vNICs.
# name: the name of the vNIC
# mac: the MAC address
# fref: the filter ref
# parameters: miscellaneous parameters
Interface = collections.namedtuple('Interface', ['name', 'mac',
                                                 'fref', 'parameters'])

# Named tuple representing vNIC statistics.
# rx_bytes: number of received bytes
# rx_packets: number of received packets
# tx_bytes: number of transmitted bytes
# tx_packets: number of transmitted packets
InterfaceStats = collections.namedtuple('InterfaceStats',
                                        ['rx_bytes', 'rx_packets',
                                         'tx_bytes', 'tx_packets'])

# Named tuple representing vNIC rate statistics.
# rx_bytes_rate: rate of received bytes
# tx_bytes_rate: rate of transmitted bytes
InterfaceRateStats = collections.namedtuple('InterfaceRateStats',
                                            ['rx_bytes_rate', 'tx_bytes_rate'])

# Named tuple representing disks.
# device: the device name for the disk
Disk = collections.namedtuple('Disk', ['device'])

# Named tuple representing disk statistics.
# read_bytes: number of bytes read
# read_requests: number of read operations
# write_bytes: number of bytes written
# write_requests: number of write operations
# errors: number of errors
DiskStats = collections.namedtuple('DiskStats',
                                   ['read_bytes', 'read_requests',
                                    'write_bytes', 'write_requests',

# Named tuple representing disk rate statistics.
# read_bytes_rate: number of bytes read per second
# read_requests_rate: number of read operations per second
# write_bytes_rate: number of bytes written per second
# write_requests_rate: number of write operations per second
DiskRateStats = collections.namedtuple('DiskRateStats',

# Named tuple representing disk latency statistics.
# disk_latency: average disk latency
DiskLatencyStats = collections.namedtuple('DiskLatencyStats',

# Named tuple representing disk iops statistics.
# iops: number of iops per second
DiskIOPSStats = collections.namedtuple('DiskIOPSStats',

# Named tuple representing disk Information.
# capacity: capacity of the disk
# allocation: allocation of the disk
# physical: usage of the disk

DiskInfo = collections.namedtuple('DiskInfo',

# Exception types
[docs]class InspectorException(Exception): def __init__(self, message=None): super(InspectorException, self).__init__(message)
[docs]class InstanceNotFoundException(InspectorException): pass
[docs]class InstanceShutOffException(InspectorException): pass
[docs]class NoDataException(InspectorException): pass # Main virt inspector abstraction layering over the hypervisor API. #
[docs]class Inspector(object):
[docs] def inspect_cpus(self, instance): """Inspect the CPU statistics for an instance. :param instance: the target instance :return: the number of CPUs and cumulative CPU time """ raise ceilometer.NotImplementedError
[docs] def inspect_cpu_util(self, instance, duration=None): """Inspect the CPU Utilization (%) for an instance. :param instance: the target instance :param duration: the last 'n' seconds, over which the value should be inspected :return: the percentage of CPU utilization """ raise ceilometer.NotImplementedError
[docs] def inspect_vnics(self, instance): """Inspect the vNIC statistics for an instance. :param instance: the target instance :return: for each vNIC, the number of bytes & packets received and transmitted """ raise ceilometer.NotImplementedError
[docs] def inspect_vnic_rates(self, instance, duration=None): """Inspect the vNIC rate statistics for an instance. :param instance: the target instance :param duration: the last 'n' seconds, over which the value should be inspected :return: for each vNIC, the rate of bytes & packets received and transmitted """ raise ceilometer.NotImplementedError
[docs] def inspect_disks(self, instance): """Inspect the disk statistics for an instance. :param instance: the target instance :return: for each disk, the number of bytes & operations read and written, and the error count """ raise ceilometer.NotImplementedError
[docs] def inspect_memory_usage(self, instance, duration=None): """Inspect the memory usage statistics for an instance. :param instance: the target instance :param duration: the last 'n' seconds, over which the value should be inspected :return: the amount of memory used """ raise ceilometer.NotImplementedError
[docs] def inspect_memory_resident(self, instance, duration=None): """Inspect the resident memory statistics for an instance. :param instance: the target instance :param duration: the last 'n' seconds, over which the value should be inspected :return: the amount of resident memory """ raise ceilometer.NotImplementedError
[docs] def inspect_disk_rates(self, instance, duration=None): """Inspect the disk statistics as rates for an instance. :param instance: the target instance :param duration: the last 'n' seconds, over which the value should be inspected :return: for each disk, the number of bytes & operations read and written per second, with the error count """ raise ceilometer.NotImplementedError
[docs] def inspect_disk_latency(self, instance): """Inspect the disk statistics as rates for an instance. :param instance: the target instance :return: for each disk, the average disk latency """ raise ceilometer.NotImplementedError
[docs] def inspect_disk_iops(self, instance): """Inspect the disk statistics as rates for an instance. :param instance: the target instance :return: for each disk, the number of iops per second """ raise ceilometer.NotImplementedError
[docs] def inspect_disk_info(self, instance): """Inspect the disk information for an instance. :param instance: the target instance :return: for each disk , capacity , alloaction and usage """ raise ceilometer.NotImplementedError
def get_hypervisor_inspector(): try: namespace = 'ceilometer.compute.virt' mgr = driver.DriverManager(namespace, cfg.CONF.hypervisor_inspector, invoke_on_load=True) return mgr.driver except ImportError as e: LOG.error(_("Unable to load the hypervisor inspector: %s") % e) return Inspector()

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