Installation using DevStack =========================== This section includes instructions for Blazar installation using DevStack. DevStack configures both the host reservation and the instance reservation. 1. Download DevStack: .. sourcecode:: console git clone .. 2. Create a local.conf file in the devstack directory. You can use the following sample local.conf: .. sourcecode:: console [[local|localrc]] ADMIN_PASSWORD=password DATABASE_PASSWORD=$ADMIN_PASSWORD RABBIT_PASSWORD=$ADMIN_PASSWORD SERVICE_PASSWORD=$ADMIN_PASSWORD DEST=/opt/stack/ LOGFILE=$DEST/logs/ HOST_IP= GIT_BASE= RECLONE=yes enable_plugin blazar .. 3. Run DevStack as the stack user: .. sourcecode:: console ./ .. 4. Source the admin credentials: .. sourcecode:: console . openrc admin admin .. 5. Now you can add hosts to Blazar: .. sourcecode:: console blazar host-create hostname .. Installation without DevStack ============================= This section includes instructions for Blazar installation. You can use the host reservation and the instance reservation once you finish the install guide. Download all Blazar related repos: .. sourcecode:: console git clone git clone git clone .. Install all these projects to your working environment via: .. sourcecode:: console python install .. or .. sourcecode:: console python develop .. Next you need to create a Blazar policy file: .. sourcecode:: console cp /path/to/blazar/etc/policy.json /etc/blazar/ .. Next you need to configure Blazar and Nova. First, generate a blazar.conf sample: .. sourcecode:: console cd /path/to/blazar tox -e genconfig mv etc/blazar/blazar.conf.sample /etc/blazar/blazar.conf .. Then edit */etc/blazar/blazar.conf* using the following example: .. sourcecode:: console [DEFAULT] host= port= os_auth_host= os_auth_port= os_auth_protocol= os_auth_version=v3 os_admin_username= os_admin_password= os_admin_project_name= identity_service= os_region_name= [manager],virtual.instance.plugin [keystone_authtoken] auth_type= project_domain_name= project_name= user_domain_name= username= password= auth_url= [physical:host] aggregate_freepool_name=freepool project_id_key=blazar:project blazar_owner=blazar:owner blazar_az_prefix=blazar: .. *os_admin_** flags refer to the Blazar service user. If you do not have this user, create it: .. sourcecode:: console openstack user create --password --project --email openstack role add --project --user .. Next you need to configure Nova. Please add the following lines to nova.conf file: .. sourcecode:: console scheduler_available_filters = nova.scheduler.filters.all_filters scheduler_available_filters = blazarnova.scheduler.filters.blazar_filter.BlazarFilter scheduler_default_filters=RetryFilter,AvailabilityZoneFilter,RamFilter,ComputeFilter,ComputeCapabilitiesFilter,ImagePropertiesFilter,AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter,AggregateMultiTenancyIsolation,ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter,BlazarFilter .. Restart nova-scheduler to use the new configuration file. Next you need to create a Nova aggregate to use as a free pool for host reservation: .. sourcecode:: console openstack aggregate create freepool .. And we need to create the reservation service in Keystone with its endpoints: .. sourcecode:: console openstack service create --name blazar --description “OpenStack Reservation Service” reservation openstack endpoint create --region blazar admin "://:/v1" openstack endpoint create --region blazar internal "://:/v1" openstack endpoint create --region blazar public "://:/v1" .. And, finally, we need to create a database for Blazar: .. sourcecode:: console mysql -u -p -h -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS blazar;" mysql -u -p -h -e "CREATE DATABASE blazar CHARACTER SET utf8;" .. Then edit the database section of */etc/blazar/blazar.conf*: .. sourcecode:: console [database] connection=mysql+pymysql://:@/blazar?charset=utf8 .. To start Blazar services use: .. sourcecode:: console blazar-api --config-file /etc/blazar/blazar.conf blazar-manager --config-file /etc/blazar/blazar.conf .. Now you can use python-blazarclient to communicate with Blazar.