Bifrost via Vagrant

One of the main user audiences that we’ve found is for users to utilize vagrant in order to build quick development environments, or for their environments to facilitate deployments, as the intent is for relatively short lived installations.

As such, a virtual machine can be started with vagrant executing the following commands:

cd tools/vagrant_dev_env
vagrant up

This will bring up an Ubuntu based virtual machine, with bifrost installed.


Virtual machine images, as well as all of the software used in bifrost can take some time to install. Typically expect vagrant up to take at least fifteen minutes if you do not already have the virtual machine image on your machine.

By default, the VM will have three interfaces:

  • eth0 - connected to a NAT network

  • eth1 - connected to Host-only network named: vboxnet1

  • eth2 - bridged - adapter must be set in Vagrantfile

Walkthrough done on OS X

Setup vagrant by:

  • Installing git

  • Installing virtualbox

  • Installing vagrant

  • Installing ansible

Configure Vagrant with the correct box:

vagrant box add ubuntu/xenial64

Clone bifrost repo:

git clone

Change into the bifrost directory:

cd bifrost/tools/vagrant_dev_env

Edit the Vagrantfile:

  • Change the public_network value to a valid network interface to allow Bare Metal connectivity

  • Change public_key to correct key name

  • Change network_interface to match your needs

Boot the VM with:

vagrant up

Installation Options

Ansible is installed within the VM directly from source or from the path set by ANSIBLE_GIT_URL. You can modify the path of installation by setting ANSIBLE_INSTALL_ROOT environment variable. The default value is /opt/stack. When set in the host, this variable will also be set as an environment variable inside the VM for use by test scripts.


Only the ansible installation path is configurable at this point using the environment variable. All other dependencies will still continue to cloned under /opt/stack.