Using Keystone Middleware with Barbican


To enable Keystone integration with Barbican you’ll need a relatively current version of Keystone. If you don’t have an instance of Keystone available, you can use one of the following ways to setup your own.

Hooking up Barbican to Keystone

Assuming that you’ve already setup your Keystone instance, connecting Barbican to Keystone is quite simple. When completed, Barbican should require a valid X-Auth-Token to be provided with all API calls except the get version call.

  1. Turn off any active instances of Barbican

  2. Edit /etc/barbican/barbican-api-paste.ini

    1. Replace the barbican_api pipeline with an authenticated pipeline
    pipeline = keystone_authtoken context apiapp
    1. Replace keystone_authtoken filter values to match your Keystone setup
    paste.filter_factory = keystonemiddleware.auth_token:filter_factory
    signing_dir = /tmp/barbican/cache
    identity_uri = http://{YOUR_KEYSTONE_ENDPOINT}:35357
    admin_tenant_name = service
    admin_user = {YOUR_KEYSTONE_USERNAME}
    admin_password = {YOUR_KEYSTONE_PASSWORD}
    auth_version = v2.0
  3. Start Barbican {barbican_home}/bin/ start

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