************************** Containers API - Reference ************************** GET /v1/containers ################## Lists a project's containers. Returned containers will be ordered by creation date; oldest to newest. Parameters ********** +--------+---------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | Name | Type | Description | +========+=========+============================================================+ | offset | integer | The starting index within the total list of the containers | | | | that you would like to retrieve. | +--------+---------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | limit | integer | The maximum number of containers to return (up to 100). | | | | The default limit is 10. | +--------+---------+------------------------------------------------------------+ Response Attributes ******************* +------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | Name | Type | Description | +============+=========+========================================================+ | containers | list | Contains a list of dictionaries filled with container | | | | data | +------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | total | integer | The total number of containers available to the user | +------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | next | string | A HATEOAS url to retrieve the next set of containers | | | | based on the offset and limit parameters. This | | | | attribute is only available when the total number of | | | | containers is greater than offset and limit parameter | | | | combined. | +------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | previous | string | A HATEOAS url to retrieve the previous set of | | | | containers based on the offset and limit parameters. | | | | This attribute is only available when the request | | | | offset is greater than 0. | +------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------------+ Request: ******** .. code-block:: javascript GET /v1/containers Headers: X-Auth-Token: Response: ******** .. code-block:: javascript { "containers": [ { "consumers": [], "container_ref": "https://{barbican_host}/v1/containers/{uuid}", "created": "2015-03-26T21:10:45.417835", "name": "container name", "secret_refs": [ { "name": "private_key", "secret_ref": "https://{barbican_host}/v1/secrets/{uuid}" } ], "status": "ACTIVE", "type": "generic", "updated": "2015-03-26T21:10:45.417835" } ], "total": 1 } HTTP Status Codes ***************** +------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Code | Description | +======+=============================================================================+ | 200 | Successful Request | +------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 401 | Invalid X-Auth-Token or the token doesn't have permissions to this resource | +------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ GET /v1/containers/{uuid} ######################### Retrieves a single container. Response Attributes ******************* +-------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | Name | Type | Description | +=============+========+=========================================================+ | name | string | (optional) Human readable name for the container | +-------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | type | string | Type of container. Options: generic, rsa, certificate | +-------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | secret_refs | list | A list of dictionaries containing references to secrets | +-------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------+ Request: ******** .. code-block:: javascript GET /v1/containers/{uuid} Headers: X-Auth-Token: Response: ********* .. code-block:: javascript { "type": "generic", "status": "ACTIVE", "name": "container name", "consumers": [], "container_ref": "https://{barbican_host}/v1/containers/{uuid}", "secret_refs": [ { "name": "private_key", "secret_ref": "https://{barbican_host}/v1/secrets/{uuid}" } ], "created": "2015-03-26T21:10:45.417835", "updated": "2015-03-26T21:10:45.417835" } HTTP Status Codes ***************** +------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Code | Description | +======+=============================================================================+ | 200 | Successful Request | +------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 401 | Invalid X-Auth-Token or the token doesn't have permissions to this resource | +------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 404 | Container not found or unavailable | +------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ POST /v1/containers ################### Create a container There are three different types of containers that can be created: generic, rsa, and certificate. **Generic** This type of container holds any number of references to secrets. Each secret reference is accompanied by a name. Unlike other container types, no specific restrictions are enforced on the contents name attribute. **RSA** This type of container is designed to hold references to only three different secrets. These secrets are enforced by the their accompanied names: public_key, private_key, and private_key_passphrase. **Certificate** This type of container is designed to hold a reference to a certificate and optionally private_key, private_key_passphrase, and intermediates. Request Attributes ****************** +-------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | Name | Type | Description | +=============+========+===========================================================+ | name | string | (optional) Human readable name for identifying your | | | | container | +-------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | type | string | Type of container. Options: generic, rsa, certificate | +-------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | secret_refs | list | A list of dictionaries containing references to secrets | +-------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ Request: ******** .. code-block:: javascript POST /v1/containers Headers: X-Auth-Token: Content: { "type": "generic", "name": "container name", "secret_refs": [ { "name": "private_key", "secret_ref": "https://{barbican_host}/v1/secrets/{secret_uuid}" } ] } Response: ********* .. code-block:: javascript { "container_ref": "https://{barbican_host}/v1/containers/{container_uuid}" } HTTP Status Codes ***************** +------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Code | Description | +======+=============================================================================+ | 201 | Successful creation of the container | +------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 401 | Invalid X-Auth-Token or the token doesn't have permissions to this resource | +------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 403 | Forbidden. The user has been authenticated, but is not authorized to | | | create a container. This can be based on the the user's role or the | | | project's quota. | +------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ DELETE /v1/containers/{uuid} ############################ Deletes a container Request: ******** .. code-block:: javascript DELETE /v1/containers/{container_uuid} Headers: X-Auth-Token: Response: ********* .. code-block:: javascript 204 No Content HTTP Status Codes ***************** +------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Code | Description | +======+=============================================================================+ | 204 | Successful deletion of a container | +------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 401 | Invalid X-Auth-Token or the token doesn't have permissions to this resource | +------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 404 | Container not found or unavailable | +------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+