Installing the API with uwsgi

Aodh comes with a few example files for configuring the API service to run behind Apache with mod_wsgi.


The file aodh/api/app.wsgi sets up the V2 API WSGI application. The file is installed with the rest of the Aodh application code, and should not need to be modified.

Example of uwsgi configuration file

Create aodh-uwsgi.ini file:

http =
wsgi-file = <path_to_aodh>/aodh/api/app.wsgi
plugins = python
# This is running standalone
master = true
# Set die-on-term & exit-on-reload so that uwsgi shuts down
exit-on-reload = true
die-on-term = true
# uwsgi recommends this to prevent thundering herd on accept.
thunder-lock = true
# Override the default size for headers from the 4k default. (mainly for keystone token)
buffer-size = 65535
enable-threads = true
# Set the number of threads usually with the returns of command nproc
threads = 8
# Make sure the client doesn't try to re-use the connection.
add-header = Connection: close
# Set uid and gip to an appropriate user on your server. In many
# installations ``aodh`` will be correct.
uid = aodh
gid = aodh

Then start the uwsgi server:

uwsgi ./aodh-uwsgi.ini

Or start in background with:

uwsgi -d ./aodh-uwsgi.ini


As Aodh is using Pecan and Pecan’s DebugMiddleware doesn’t support multiple processes, there is no way to set debug mode in the multiprocessing case. To allow multiple processes the DebugMiddleware may be turned off by setting pecan_debug to False in the api section of aodh.conf.

For other WSGI setup you can refer to the pecan deployment documentation. .. pecan deployment:

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