Source code for aodh.notifier.zaqar

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
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"""Zaqar alarm notifier."""

from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log
import six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse

from aodh.i18n import _LE, _LI
from aodh import keystone_client
from aodh import notifier

LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)

               help='Message queue service type.'),

[docs]class ZaqarAlarmNotifier(notifier.AlarmNotifier): """Zaqar notifier.""" def __init__(self, conf): super(ZaqarAlarmNotifier, self).__init__(conf) self.conf = conf self._zclient = None self._zendpoint = None def _get_endpoint(self): if self._zendpoint is None: try: ks_client = keystone_client.get_client(self.conf) z_srv = type=self.conf.service_types.zaqar) endpoint_type = self.conf.service_credentials.interface z_endpoint = ks_client.endpoints.find(, interface=endpoint_type) self._zendpoint = z_endpoint.url except Exception: LOG.error(_LE("Aodh was configured to use zaqar:// action," " but Zaqar endpoint could not be found in" " Keystone service catalog.")) return self._zendpoint
[docs] def get_zaqar_client(self): conf = self.conf.service_credentials params = { 'auth_opts': { 'backend': 'keystone', 'options': { 'os_username': conf.os_username, 'os_password': conf.os_password, 'os_project_name': conf.os_tenant_name, 'os_auth_url': conf.os_auth_url, 'insecure': '' } } } try: from zaqarclient.queues import client as zaqar_client return zaqar_client.Client(self._get_endpoint(), version=2, conf=params) except Exception: LOG.error(_LE("Failed to connect to Zaqar service "), exc_info=True)
[docs] def get_presigned_client(self, queue_info): queue_name = queue_info.get('queue_name', [''])[0] if not queue_name: return None, None signature = queue_info.get('signature', [''])[0] expires = queue_info.get('expires', [''])[0] paths = queue_info.get('paths', [''])[0].split(',') methods = queue_info.get('methods', [''])[0].split(',') project_id = queue_info.get('project_id', [''])[0] params = { 'auth_opts': { 'backend': 'signed-url', 'options': { 'signature': signature, 'expires': expires, 'methods': methods, 'paths': paths, 'os_project_id': project_id } } } try: from zaqarclient.queues import client as zaqar_client return (zaqar_client.Client(self._get_endpoint(), version=2, conf=params), queue_name) except Exception: LOG.error(_LE("Failed to connect to Zaqar service "), exc_info=True)
[docs] def notify(self, action, alarm_id, alarm_name, severity, previous, current, reason, reason_data, headers=None): "Notifying alarm %(alarm_name)s %(alarm_id)s of %(severity)s " "priority from %(previous)s to %(current)s with action %(action)s" " because %(reason)s.") % ({'alarm_name': alarm_name, 'alarm_id': alarm_id, 'severity': severity, 'previous': previous, 'current': current, 'action': action, 'reason': reason})) body = {'alarm_name': alarm_name, 'alarm_id': alarm_id, 'severity': severity, 'previous': previous, 'current': current, 'reason': reason, 'reason_data': reason_data} message = dict(body=body) self.notify_zaqar(action, message)
@property def client(self): if self._zclient is None: self._zclient = self.get_zaqar_client() return self._zclient
[docs] def notify_zaqar(self, action, message): queue_info = urlparse.parse_qs(action.query) try: # NOTE(flwang): Try to get build a pre-signed client if user has # provide enough information about that. Otherwise, go to build # a client with service account and queue name for this alarm. zaqar_client, queue_name = self.get_presigned_client(queue_info) if not zaqar_client or not queue_name: zaqar_client = self.client # queue_name is a combination of <alarm-id>-<topic> queue_name = "%s-%s" % (message['body']['alarm_id'], queue_info.get('topic')[-1]) # create a queue in zaqar queue = zaqar_client.queue(queue_name) subscriber_list = queue_info.get('subscriber', []) ttl = int(queue_info.get('ttl', ['3600'])[-1]) for subscriber in subscriber_list: # add subscriber to the zaqar queue subscription_data = dict(subscriber=subscriber, ttl=ttl) zaqar_client.subscription(queue_name, **subscription_data) # post the message to the queue except IndexError: LOG.error(_LE("Required topic query option missing in action %s") % action) except Exception: LOG.error(_LE("Unknown error occurred; Failed to post message to" " Zaqar queue"), exc_info=True)

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