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# Copyright 2014 eNovance
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
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# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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# under the License.
"""Rest alarm notifier with trusted authentication."""

from six.moves.urllib import parse

from aodh import keystone_client
from aodh.notifier import rest

[docs]class TrustRestAlarmNotifier(rest.RestAlarmNotifier): """Notifier supporting keystone trust authentication. This alarm notifier is intended to be used to call an endpoint using keystone authentication. It uses the aodh service user to authenticate using the trust ID provided. The URL must be in the form trust+http://host/action. """
[docs] def notify(self, action, alarm_id, alarm_name, severity, previous, current, reason, reason_data): trust_id = action.username client = keystone_client.get_trusted_client(self.conf, trust_id) # Remove the fake user netloc = action.netloc.split("@")[1] # Remove the trust prefix scheme = action.scheme[6:] action = parse.SplitResult(scheme, netloc, action.path, action.query, action.fragment) headers = {'X-Auth-Token': keystone_client.get_auth_token(client)} super(TrustRestAlarmNotifier, self).notify( action, alarm_id, alarm_name, severity, previous, current, reason, reason_data, headers)

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