Source code for aodh.api.controllers.v2.alarm_rules.combination

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import pecan
import wsme
from wsme import types as wtypes

from aodh.api.controllers.v2 import base
from aodh.api.controllers.v2 import utils as v2_utils
from aodh.i18n import _

[docs]class AlarmCombinationRule(base.AlarmRule): """Alarm Combination Rule Describe when to trigger the alarm based on combining the state of other alarms. """ operator = base.AdvEnum('operator', str, 'or', 'and', default='and') "How to combine the sub-alarms" alarm_ids = wsme.wsattr([wtypes.text], mandatory=True) "List of alarm identifiers to combine" @property def default_description(self): joiner = ' %s ' % self.operator return _('Combined state of alarms %s') % joiner.join(self.alarm_ids)
[docs] def as_dict(self): return self.as_dict_from_keys(['operator', 'alarm_ids'])
[docs] def validate(rule): rule.alarm_ids = sorted(set(rule.alarm_ids), key=rule.alarm_ids.index) if len(rule.alarm_ids) <= 1: raise base.ClientSideError(_('Alarm combination rule should ' 'contain at least two different ' 'alarm ids.')) return rule
[docs] def validate_alarm(alarm): project = v2_utils.get_auth_project( alarm.project_id if alarm.project_id != wtypes.Unset else None) for id in alarm.combination_rule.alarm_ids: alarms = list( alarm_id=id, project=project)) if not alarms: raise base.AlarmNotFound(id, project)
[docs] def update_hook(alarm): # should check if there is any circle in the dependency, but for # efficiency reason, here only check alarm cannot depend on itself if alarm.alarm_id in alarm.combination_rule.alarm_ids: raise base.ClientSideError( _('Cannot specify alarm %s itself in combination rule') % alarm.alarm_id)
[docs] def sample(cls): return cls(operator='or', alarm_ids=['739e99cb-c2ec-4718-b900-332502355f38', '153462d0-a9b8-4b5b-8175-9e4b05e9b856'])

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