Source code for aodh.api.controllers.v2.alarm_rules.gnocchi

# Copyright 2015 eNovance
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

from gnocchiclient import client
from gnocchiclient import exceptions
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
import pecan
import wsme
from wsme import types as wtypes

from aodh.api.controllers.v2 import base
from aodh.api.controllers.v2 import utils as v2_utils
from aodh import keystone_client

[docs]class GnocchiUnavailable(Exception): code = 503
[docs]class AlarmGnocchiThresholdRule(base.AlarmRule): comparison_operator = base.AdvEnum('comparison_operator', str, 'lt', 'le', 'eq', 'ne', 'ge', 'gt', default='eq') "The comparison against the alarm threshold" threshold = wsme.wsattr(float, mandatory=True) "The threshold of the alarm" aggregation_method = wsme.wsattr(wtypes.text, mandatory=True) "The aggregation_method to compare to the threshold" evaluation_periods = wsme.wsattr(wtypes.IntegerType(minimum=1), default=1) "The number of historical periods to evaluate the threshold" granularity = wsme.wsattr(wtypes.IntegerType(minimum=1), default=60) "The time range in seconds over which query" @classmethod
[docs] def validate_alarm(cls, alarm): alarm_rule = getattr(alarm, "%s_rule" % alarm.type) aggregation_method = alarm_rule.aggregation_method if aggregation_method not in cls._get_aggregation_methods(): raise base.ClientSideError( 'aggregation_method should be in %s not %s' % ( cls._get_aggregation_methods(), aggregation_method)) # NOTE(sileht): once cachetools is in the requirements # enable it # @cachetools.ttl_cache(maxsize=1, ttl=600)
@staticmethod def _get_aggregation_methods(): conf = pecan.request.cfg gnocchi_client = client.Client( '1', keystone_client.get_session(conf), interface=conf.service_credentials.interface, region_name=conf.service_credentials.region_name) try: return gnocchi_client.capabilities.list().get( 'aggregation_methods', []) except exceptions.ClientException as e: raise base.ClientSideError(e.message, status_code=e.code) except Exception as e: raise GnocchiUnavailable(e)
[docs]class MetricOfResourceRule(AlarmGnocchiThresholdRule): metric = wsme.wsattr(wtypes.text, mandatory=True) "The name of the metric" resource_id = wsme.wsattr(wtypes.text, mandatory=True) "The id of a resource" resource_type = wsme.wsattr(wtypes.text, mandatory=True) "The resource type"
[docs] def as_dict(self): rule = self.as_dict_from_keys(['granularity', 'comparison_operator', 'threshold', 'aggregation_method', 'evaluation_periods', 'metric', 'resource_id', 'resource_type']) return rule
[docs] def validate_alarm(cls, alarm): super(MetricOfResourceRule, cls).validate_alarm(alarm) conf = pecan.request.cfg gnocchi_client = client.Client( '1', keystone_client.get_session(conf), interface=conf.service_credentials.interface, region_name=conf.service_credentials.region_name) rule = alarm.gnocchi_resources_threshold_rule try: gnocchi_client.resource.get(rule.resource_type, rule.resource_id) except exceptions.ClientException as e: raise base.ClientSideError(e.message, status_code=e.code) except Exception as e: raise GnocchiUnavailable(e)
[docs]class AggregationMetricByResourcesLookupRule(AlarmGnocchiThresholdRule): metric = wsme.wsattr(wtypes.text, mandatory=True) "The name of the metric" query = wsme.wsattr(wtypes.text, mandatory=True) ('The query to filter the metric, Don\'t forget to filter out ' 'deleted resources (example: {"and": [{"=": {"ended_at": null}}, ...]}), ' 'Otherwise Gnocchi will try to create the aggregate against obsolete ' 'resources') resource_type = wsme.wsattr(wtypes.text, mandatory=True) "The resource type"
[docs] def as_dict(self): rule = self.as_dict_from_keys(['granularity', 'comparison_operator', 'threshold', 'aggregation_method', 'evaluation_periods', 'metric', 'query', 'resource_type']) return rule
[docs] def validate_alarm(cls, alarm): super(AggregationMetricByResourcesLookupRule, cls).validate_alarm(alarm) rule = alarm.gnocchi_aggregation_by_resources_threshold_rule # check the query string is a valid json try: query = jsonutils.loads(rule.query) except ValueError: raise wsme.exc.InvalidInput('rule/query', rule.query) # Scope the alarm to the project id if needed auth_project = v2_utils.get_auth_project(alarm.project_id) if auth_project: query = {"and": [{"=": {"created_by_project_id": auth_project}}, query]} rule.query = jsonutils.dumps(query) conf = pecan.request.cfg gnocchi_client = client.Client( '1', keystone_client.get_session(conf), interface=conf.service_credentials.interface, region_name=conf.service_credentials.region_name) try: gnocchi_client.metric.aggregation( metrics=rule.metric, query=query, aggregation=rule.aggregation_method, needed_overlap=0, resource_type=rule.resource_type) except exceptions.ClientException as e: raise base.ClientSideError(e.message, status_code=e.code) except Exception as e: raise GnocchiUnavailable(e)
[docs]class AggregationMetricsByIdLookupRule(AlarmGnocchiThresholdRule): metrics = wsme.wsattr([wtypes.text], mandatory=True) "A list of metric Ids"
[docs] def as_dict(self): rule = self.as_dict_from_keys(['granularity', 'comparison_operator', 'threshold', 'aggregation_method', 'evaluation_periods', 'metrics']) return rule

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